S1: Rain No Evil: Based On A True Story
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Author Michele Zirkle joins me to discuss the paranormal activity that her family experienced that produced spray water out of thin air.Alex Templeton is rural Ridgeland’s very own walking-tall version of justice who’s swung his hickory stick so long that he’s callused not only the hand that once slid a ring on Savannah’s — he’s callused his heart. Savannah wants her police officer hubby to respect her, but he continues to spray vile words her way and Savannah, believing God is ignoring her prayers to mend her marriage, dares God to prove he is real. For the next few weeks, water drenches the inside of their house while the Templeton’s search for the evasive source of the leak not realizing that God is answering Savannah’s dare in an unusual way.With her marriage to the breaking point and on the brink of suicide, Savannah finds solace in the arms of another man, but when a dirtball Alex previously arrested threatens to harm the family, Savannah is determined to reconcile her relatio...