Why does the Torah require that an animal be eight days old before being used as a Korban (sacrifice)? How does this parallel the human being who needs to be eight days old to be given a bris (circumcision)? What is the concept of our desire to be 'drawn after Hashem' like an animal is 'drawn after its master?' In the comparison of a righteous individual to a mighty mountain, why is he sometimes compared to a grassy mountain, and sometimes to a mountain that has fruit trees? How do we use...
Published 05/17/24
How does planting a tree in Israel constitute the fulfillment of a mitzvah - a commandment? What is the idea of Yishuv Ha'aretz - settling the land of Israel? How does waiting three years before eating from a new fruit tree rectify the sin of Adam? If everything was already prepared for us when we originally entered Israel and took over the homes and vineyards of the previous inhabitants, why does the Torah instruct us to plant more? How do we understand the 'tree' that is planted in the...
Published 05/10/24
How is Rebecca, our matriarch, compared to a rose among thorns? How was she able to remain steadfast despite being surrounded by charlatans and liars? Why was it so difficult for Hashem, as it were, to take 'one nation out from another nation' at the Exodus? How are the people of Israel like a Rose among thorns? How was the Jewish people's receiving the Torah like a 'rose among thorns' that Hashem enjoyed 'smelling' as they said 'we will do and we will hear?' Find out in this week's Parsha...
Published 05/03/24
Why is Shir Hashirim called the greatest of all songs? How do the other books of Shlomo Hamelech (Kong Solomon) - Koheles and Mishlei - have a message for the nations of the world, and yet Shir Hashirim is exclusive to the Jewish people? How does this correspond to Shabbos and the month of Nissan, which are also exclusive to the people of Israel? What is meant by the midrash's statement that the Jewish people was 'made into a song' by Hashem? What are the three aspects of the song, for which...
Published 04/26/24
Why does the Torah refer to the time that a woman is impure after a flow as 'many days' if it is only a few days? What does Hashem reassure the Jewish people after telling them that they will be in exile for 'many days?' Why is He referred to as the 'G-d of Truth' in the context of their distance from Him during exile? Where does that Truth manifest in the end as He brings about His ultimate Justice? How is this accompanied by a Redemption for the people of Israel? How does this exile and...
Published 04/19/24
Why does the Torah use the word Adam-Man in reference to the person who has Tzara'as-Leprosy? What is the imbalance in the person who suffers from this spiritual malady? Why was there a threatening 'stormy wind' in the times of Iyov, Yonah and Eliyahu? What is the concept of the souls that need to manifest before the coming of Moshiach? Why did some prophets author one book and others multiple books, while some prophets had only a line or two in Tanach? Why do some people find themselves...
Published 04/12/24
Why are there special foods that are permitted and forbidden to the Jewish people to be eaten? What is the 'measuring' that Hashem did to determine who would receive the Torah? How does this parallel the 'measuring' He did of Mount Sinai and the land of Israel, which would be given to the Jewish people? What happened when Hashem 'took away responsibility' for keeping the 7 Noahide laws from the nations and gave that responsibility to the Jewish people? What does the prophet Chavakuk refer to...
Published 04/05/24
Why is the Korban Toda (thanks offering) the only one that will remain in the future time? What is the concept of the korban Shelamim, whose root is related to Shalom-Peace? Why is it the last of the korbanos spoken of in the parsha? How does it bring about peace between all those involved in it? Why is peace the 'end all' of the prayers and blessings? Why does Hashem allow His name to be erased for peace? Why did R' Meir ask a woman who listened to his sermon to spit in his eye? What is the...
Published 03/29/24
Why does Moshe 'stand by the side' at each point - at the burning bush, at the splitting of the sea, at Sinai, and at the building of the Mishkan? Why, in each case, does Hashem tell him that only he can do it? How does this parallel Mordechai's instruction to Esther to be the one to approach the king and serve as their redeemer? What is meant by our sages when they compare Esther to Sarah with the number 127, and when they compare her to Avraham who left for Israel at the age of 75? What is...
Published 03/22/24
Why were the Jewish people unable to complete the construction of the Tabernacle? Why was it necessary for both Moshe Rabenu, who completed the Mishkan-Tabernacle, as well as Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) to have special spiritual assistance to complete the building? Why did the merchant who came to Jerusalem at first not sell his merchandise at all, but ultimately sold his merchandise very quickly? What is the 'last laugh' that Moshe had on his detractors? Why was he at first not involved...
Published 03/15/24
Why does Hashem ask Moshe to 'look at the name' of Betzalel? Where was Betzalel's name to be seen? How was it that Betzalel was able to manifest such exquisite artistry if the Jewish people had been slaves and he had no chance to study his art? What is the significance of the 'many names' of Eliyahu and of Betzalel? Why does the Torah sometimes mention the person's name and also his parents' names and the name of his location? What are the many aspects that go into a person's personality and...
Published 03/01/24
Why does the Torah use the word 'davar' - 'thing' or 'matter' in introducing the order of initiating Aharon and his sons into their Kohen service in the Mishkan-Tabernacle? What are the two 'matters' that can be used to atone and bring salvation when we do not have the ability to bring sacrifices? How do words of Torah and heartfelt prayer bring about the revelation of Hashem in the world? Why is Haman referred to as both an oppressor and an enemy? Why does Mordechai return to his sackcloth,...
Published 02/23/24
How do we 'take an example from Heaven' in the construction of the Tabernacle? What are the many parallels between the 'throne room' of Hashem above, and the place of His Presence here on earth? What do each of these elements represent? What is the significance of Hashem calling the gold and silver of the Mishkan his? How do the Tabernacle and Beis Hamikdash (Temple) manifest the relationship between Hashem and the people of Israel - Shepherd to flock, Watchman to vineyard, and Father to son?...
Published 02/16/24
Why does the Torah place the concept of the inclined ramp of the altar right next to the concept of the laws? Why is there concern of immodesty walking up the ramp if the Kohanim had undergarments to prevent immodesty? What is the concept of 'walking with small steps' versus 'walking with large steps?' How are angels created from the commandments we perform, and how do they serve to protect us? What is the concept of the order of first creating the angels, then being accompanied by the...
Published 02/09/24
Why does it speak of Moshe 'going up' to receive the Torah, if Hashem 'came down' with all His hosts, as it were, to give the Torah? How was Moshe's previous battle with angels now helpful in his current mission, to capture the Torah from the hands of the angels? What was the ultimate merit that Moshe used to bring the Torah to the people of Israel? What is the deeper lesson of the Midrash's teaching that Moshe's faced changed so that he looked like Avraham? Why did the angels need to...
Published 02/02/24
Why is Egypt compared to a fox, while the four great Kingdoms of Israel's exiles were all compared to great animals? What was Egypt's crafty plan for survival from the growing menace of the Israelite population in their midst? Why did it involve throwing the babies in water, as opposed to using fire or the sword as a means of destruction? Why did Hashem 'bring the Egyptians to the deluge' as opposed to bringing the deluge to the Egyptians? How were the people of Israel able to survive if...
Published 01/26/24
What is the meaning of the sign that Moshe gave Pharaoh when the staff was thrown down and turned into a snake? Does Hashem need to prove that 'He is right' or is His ultimate desire that the wicked turn back to Him? Why did the righteous individuals - Noach, Chizkiya, Chananya, Mishael and Azaryah all ask for signs from Hashem, and what did they show? How does this parallel the sign that Pharaoh requested and what is showed? How does Hashem use the Jewish people as a tool for his justice?...
Published 01/19/24
What is the meaning of the sign that Moshe gave Pharaoh when the staff was thrown down and turned into a snake? Does Hashem need to prove that 'He is right' or is His ultimate desire that the wicked turn back to Him? Why did the righteous individuals - Noach, Chizkiya, Chananya, Mishael and Azaryah all ask for signs from Hashem, and what did they show? How does this parallel the sign that Pharaoh requested and what is showed? How does Hashem use the Jewish people as a tool for his justice?...
Published 01/12/24
What is behind Moshe's (Moses') question to G-d as to what His name is? What is the understanding of Hashem's response in saying 'I will be that I will be?' Why is the language at first doubled, and then singular? What is behind the different names of Hashem in different contexts? What three special times are hinted to in the three mentions of the fact that 'Hashem will be?' What is the difference between the individual and the people of Israel as a whole in regards to how Hashem interacts...
Published 01/05/24
When Yakov calls his sons to bless them, to Whom Else does he call? What is the calling that we do on Rosh Hashana and what is decided on Yom Kippur? How does this parallel the blessings Yakov gave to his sons? Why are the people of Israel referred to as 'Jews' which derives from the name of Judah? Why does Yakov call his sons - the children of Israel - to gather? How does Yakov ask Hashem (G-d) to be manifest in the lives of his children, on through the end of days? How does the unity of the...
Published 12/29/23
What does the story of Yosef and Yehuda and the brothers coming together represent, beyond the simple understanding of the verses? How do these two great paragons of leadership return to a state of unity alongside all the children of Israel? Why did we read the story of Shlomo Hemelech (King Solomon) with the two women fighting over a baby in last week's haftarah? Where was Yosef trying to lead his brothers through this whole challenge he put them through? In what way did Yehuda bow to...
Published 12/22/23
Why does the verse say that Yakov 'sees' that there is food in Egypt, but then say that Yakov 'heard' there is food in Egypt? Why did Yakov lose his Ruach Hakodesh (Divine Inspiration), and what was his experience as it was about to return? Why does the Torah use the unusual word 'shever' to mean food, when ordinarily it uses the word 'ochel?' What is the 'sever' - hope - that Yakov has, without realizing it? What were the words that the fallen soldier, R' Elisha Loewenstern asked me to write...
Published 12/15/23
How does Hashem draw the people of Israel after Him? What is the understanding of the paradox of the 'chains of love?' Why do the People of Israel need to experience exile and subjugation to the nations of the world? What is the ultimate end of the great arc of Israel's history? How does this parallel the personal life of Yosef, as representative of the leaders of Israel? How do we see a certain sweetening of the judgment despite Yosef's being forcibly brought down to Egypt? How is this...
Published 12/08/23
As Rochel was about to die in childbirth with the birth of Binayamin, what was the consolation the midwives offered with the statement, 'don't worry, this too is a boy?' Why did the two students of R' Yehoshua dress in Greek garb if they were truly Bnei Torah (students of Torah)? How did they respond to the Greek general who discovered them? Why did each of his challenges to them seem to imply that it is better to join the Hellenist movement rather than remain connected to Torah, and yet he...
Published 12/01/23
Why does the Torah give us so much detail around the scene when Yakov arrives in Charan - the well, the three flocks, the rock that closes the well, how it was rolled off through a group effort? How does each of these elements parallel the well in the wilderness, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the Synagogue? How do we draw life giving inspiration in each of these circumstances and how does this inspiration last from the time it was initiated over 3000 years ago down until today? Find out in...
Published 11/24/23