In today's episode Pete and Tyler discuss their 2023 predictions for publishers and digital subscriptions.
Published 01/18/23
Target your free and premium subscribers in your newsletters so you can optimize your messaging based on audience type.
Published 12/05/22
Pete and Tyler discuss 7 ways you can make your website less annoying and create a better reader experience.
Published 11/28/22
It might sound counterintuitive, but a paywall can be a helpful tool in building relationships with your readers.
Published 11/17/22
Are you a publisher nervous about implementing a paywall? Today Pete and Tyler discuss what to expect with traffic and ad revenue when you turn on your paywall.
Published 11/03/22
Pete and Tyler discuss how they would build a local news publication from the ground up.
Published 07/25/22
In part 2 of our series about local news success, Pete and Tyler answer the question "Should I take donations or sell subscriptions/memberships?".
Published 06/30/22
Pete talks with Tyler Channel of the Paywall Project about to how to succeed digitally with local news.
Published 06/10/22
Today Pete answers the question: Should you offer a subscription level that hides ads?
Published 05/27/22
Pete talks about how many free articles you should set your meter to before locking down the content on your publication.
Published 05/16/22
Pete discusses the 5 ways to monetize your free registration level.
Published 04/27/22
Pete and Tyler discuss quick and easy ways to fix your paywall and increase your paid subscriptions.
Published 03/08/22
Pete and Jeremy discuss 15 easy ways to boost your subscription revenue as part 4 of the Subscription Accelerator™.
Published 01/13/22
Learn how your publication can convert free and casual readers into paying subscribers.
Published 11/30/21
In this episode, Pete and Jeremy discuss the email newsletter for news and magazine publishers.
Published 11/04/21
We discuss the new ZEEN101 Subscription Accelerator™ and how you can use it to build your email list and grow subscriptions.
Published 07/28/21
We discuss 7 ways to successfully sell corporate, group, and bulk subscriptions with Leaky Paywall.
Published 06/10/21
Today we discuss new products you can offer to increase your revenue.
Published 05/24/21
Part 2 covers targeting the existing subscribers that you have, both free and paid.
Published 05/10/21
So what what's next? Learn easy ways to level up your website to build paid subscriptions.
Published 04/27/21
In this episode Pete interviews Greg Grisolano of Land Line Media.
Published 03/24/21
An interview with Hal Niedzviecki of Broken Pencil Magazine discussing lessons in paid subscriptions and with his his first ever virtual conference.
Published 03/10/21
On today's episode Pete and Wally discuss social media marketing and how it relates to digital publishing.
Published 02/23/21
Today we are talking about exciting stuff we are working on. Looking back to 2020, we released 14 add-ons to our Leaky Paywall platform. We work on so many interesting things each day, we wanted to share some of those in process items with you.
Published 02/09/21
In today's episode we discuss whether you as a publisher should sell memberships, subscriptions, or ask for donations. In coversations over the last few months, we've talked with a lot of local news publishers who have leaned toward selling the concept of a membership rather than a subscription to entice their readers to pay for access. And some are making it mission based and asking for donations. Which one is right for your publication?
Published 01/12/21