Jak protkat moderní studium medicíny linkou infekčních předmětů se ptal prof. Josef Zámečník přednosty Ústavu lékařské mikrobiologie 2. LF UK a FN Motol, prof. Pavla Dřevínka. V nejnovější epizodě PeliCastu se dozvíte, na co se můžou těšit naši studenti nejen v preklinické části studia mikrobiologie.
IB stands for the globally recognized diploma, International Baccalaureate, which provides an advanced curriculum for talented students.
What are the advantages of studying medicine after completing the IB programme in high school?
Harshith and Tereza share their experiences.
Hosted by Cristina...
Published 08/19/24
Congratulations, you have been admitted to the General Medicine programme, beginning your dream journey of becoming a doctor. The first year of medical studies might be challenging.
Which subjects are the hardest?
How can you keep your motivation high?
Here are tips and tricks on how to tackle...
Published 07/22/24