In this episode, I’m time traveling back to 2007 when I first picked up my camera, and giving you a guided tour of my photography journey over the last 17  years or so! I’m sharing my ups and downs, the mistakes I’ve made, the challenges I’ve had, and the lessons I've learned along the way. Most importantly, I’ll also be sharing what actually moved the needle the most for me in photography, what changed my photographs for the better, and what I would recommend to other photographers at...
Published 10/31/23
Have you wondered about whether you should get an external flash unit, particularly if you are a hobbyist who doesn’t shoot weddings - because you’re just not sure when or where, or even why, you would use it? If so, you’re going to enjoy this week’s episode, because I’m diving into why you might find that an external flash unit a good idea, the situations where you might want to use an external flash unit, and some suggestions on what to look for if you do decide to buy a flash unit, and...
Published 10/24/23
One of the questions I get asked a lot is about how to go about choosing your camera settings when shooting in manual mode, and whether there is a correct order in which to set them. I know it can feel a little daunting when you move from having the camera make decisions for you, to making ALL of them yourself, so in this week’s episode, I’m going to talk about the best way to approach choosing your own camera settings, and what order to choose them in.  In today’s episode you’ll learn:  ...
Published 10/17/23
As we move into the winter months (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere!) you can often find yourself shooting in low light conditions, in other words, places where there is a limited amount of light to shoot with! I know that this can seem daunting at first, but over the years I have really started to look forward to this time of year, because it means I get to start working with very little light.  So in this week’s episode, I’m going to share with you some tips for working in low...
Published 10/10/23
This week, I’m taking you behind the scenes a little bit, as I talk about the latest addition to my photography gear, the Fujifilm X100V! So tune into today’s episode and we’ll discuss: Why I purchased this particular camera in the first place.  Where this type of camera excels.  What type of photography I personally intend to use it for, and what “gap” it filled in my photography arsenal First impressions of this camera and whether it has lived up to expectations. Some...
Published 10/03/23
We all struggle with getting noise in our images from time to time. Unfortunately, noise can lead to our images looking a little less sharp and clear as we would like, particularly if you have a crop frame camera, which doesn’t handle noise as well as your full frame counterparts! Although you can (and should!) do your best to minimise noise in camera, there are always going to be situations when we have to push our ISO higher than we would like, which is when we need to fix it in...
Published 08/22/23
Are you currently in a place in your photography journey where your main source of inspiration - your children - have either grown up and flown the nest? Or maybe they are at an age where they really aren’t happy about being your subject any more? Or perhaps you don’t have kids, but are wondering what on earth you can find to photograph?! Whatever it is for you, the upshot is you’re not feeling particularly inspired and motivated to pick up your camera lately, and feel like you’ve run out of...
Published 08/15/23
Today we're diving into some common camera settings mistakes that photographers, especially beginners, often make with their camera settings! We'll explore how choosing the wrong camera settings can lead to soft images, excessive noise and grain, or photos that just aren’t as sharp and clear as you would like. And the best news is, they are simple fixes that you can make today to instantly get better photos. Plus, we have a special freebie for you! You can download our camera settings cheat...
Published 08/08/23
Today on the podcast I’m answering a question from one of our students, about how to decide which photos to keep, and which you can get rid of! If you’ve been having trouble overshooting, and drowning with the amount of photos you’re holding onto, you’re going to love this podcast episode! Over the years, I've managed to fine tune my culling and shooting process so that I come back with much less photos in the first place, and when I'm culling, I'm much more intentional about which ones I...
Published 07/18/23
If you’re heading out on holiday or vacation this year, then you might be wondering what photography equipment to take with you....and what you should leave behind. We all want to take pretty much everything with us, because each bit of our photography kit, whether that be our lenses or reflector or flash, each serves a purpose, and we want them available should we need it. BUT, there’s usually limited space available, so there has to be a balance between having the PERFECT lens for a...
Published 07/11/23
Today I’m going to be talking about a form of photography that really opened my eyes to the beauty that is around me every single day, even in the most mundane elements, and that is macro photography! You may have considered giving macro photography a try, but you maybe don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars getting a macro lens, or at least not yet, and are wondering if you can take macro photos without one. Well, the good news is there are a number of other options available to you,...
Published 07/03/23
Learning photography can feel really overwhelming and that it has taken a million years - I know from experience! How long should it actually take until you feel comfortable saying you're a photographer? Everyone is unique, but teaching over 2,000 students in the Auto to Awesome program has given me a damn good idea! This week's episode talks about my journey, the time OR money that may go into learning photography, and give you a rough estimate of how long it may take you. Also be sure to...
Published 06/27/23
A lot of times you may not be getting your photos as sharp as you'd like and you might stop and think, do I need to calibrate my lens? Today's episode will shed some light on this! I'm covering what lens calibration is, how to know if you may need it, and how to know if you need to do it right now! We will also discuss a little test for your lenses, and guide you on HOW to calibrate - should you need to do so! We also talk about this in the phoography course, Auto to Awesome.   To see all...
Published 06/20/23
Thinking about starting a photography business but not sure what you need to do first? Then today’s episode is going to be a goldmine of information for you! I’m going to share with you 5 things you’ll want to have in place before you start a photography business so that you can get off on the right foot.  You can always get fancier later, but these 5 areas will allow you to start to make money from your skills. Grab the The Photography Biz Start Up Kit here. To see all the resources and...
Published 06/06/23
On this episode of Photography Made Simple, we delve into the great debate between prime and zoom lenses, and how to decide which one is right for you!  We explore the advantages and disadvantages of each lens type, such as the difference in maximum aperture, background blur, sharpness, flexibility, image quality and more. So which should you get? As the decision of whether a zoom or prime is right for you depends on your specific needs, we'll also give you tips on how to choose based on...
Published 05/30/23
On this episode of Photography Made Simple, we're diving into the importance of your camera's metering mode, by looking at what each ones does, and how to choose the right one for your specific situation. You'll learn about the three main types of metering modes, as well as the less common partial and highlight-weighted modes. We'll also cover the benefits of spot metering, which can be extremely useful in getting a perfectly exposed image in certain situations! To see example images, plus...
Published 05/23/23
On this episode of Photography Made Simple, I tackle the common issue of glasses glare in portrait photography. Whether it's adjusting the direction of light or the subject's head, there are several in-camera solutions to minimize glare. We'll also discus the pros and cons of editing glasses glare in Photoshop and when it's appropriate to ask a subject to remove their glasses - and when it's not. Tune in to this informative episode for tips and tricks to capture the perfect shot of your...
Published 05/16/23
Are you still taking most of your photos on Auto because you’re too scared to make the move to shooting in Manual Mode?   I’m guessing that you already know that if you want to get those pro-level photos,  you need to start to take control of your camera yourself.  The good news is that your camera has some features that allow you to begin to very, very gently move away from Auto and start to gain a little more control, which will in turn greatly improve your photos - all whilst you pluck...
Published 05/09/23
Do you struggle with light in photography, either because you find yourself sticking to the same “safe” light over and over again, or because you struggle when the light is more challenging?  If you’re nodding your head, then don’t worry, you’re not alone! We ALL struggle with light in the beginning, because it can be so changeable and versatile that we need to understand how to work with light in a lot of different ways.  But it's so incredibly important that we, as photographers,...
Published 04/25/23
In this episode, I’m talking about how you can make your photos - even of everyday scenes - look more interesting and creative. This podcast episode actually came about when I asked our followers recently what you would like me to talk about, and one of those was on how to make a scene look more interesting, rather than mundane.  I think we can all struggle with creativity from time to time, but this can be especially true when you have mastered the basics, but you are ready to go beyond...
Published 04/18/23
Being able to identify, understand and modify light is one of the most important skills you can master in photography! When you can harness ANY available light effectively, you can turn your everyday, mundane scenes into something magical and awe-inspiring, get more creative images AND make you feel inspired to pick up your camera every waking moment! Plus, knowing and understanding light will help you feel confident shooting in ANY type of light, at any time of day, so you’ll never have to...
Published 04/11/23
This week on the Photography Made Simple podcast we’re going to be talking about lenses, specifically, my 3 favorite and most used lenses for child and family photography.    I use these lenses all the time for both documentary / lifestyle photos, where I take photos of our everyday little moments, and for child and family portrait style photos.     In this episode, I talk about each lens, why I love each one, and what I typically use each one for.    I also have a freebie for you that...
Published 04/04/23
In this week’s episode, we’re talking all about how to capture joyful images of children.   Although I love ALL types of photos of children, from documentary style one to posed shots, I have a special place  in my heart for shots where the child looks joyful, happy and carefree.     That’s because to me, that’s such an important part of childhood - there’s nothing quite like the fun a child can get from the simplest of activities, and hearing a child’s laugh? Feeds my soul.    So this...
Published 03/28/23
If you have a Canon or Nikon 50mm F1.8 lens and not getting the results you want, then take a listen to this episode! I’m giving you 7 different tips you can use today, to help you get the sharp, awesome images your 50mm lens is capable of taking.  We’re talking all about the f numbers you can use, what might be wrong if your lens starts whirring or having trouble focusing, how to get sharper photos and so much more.  For full show notes, resources, links or to read a written version of...
Published 03/21/23