Many people are already familiar with various presentations of the fine-tuning argument in discussions about the existence of God. Standard forms of the argument are often lacking and leave much room for skepticism and debate. Critics often point to the limitations of existing forms, such as when...
Published 07/02/24
In this series, we’ve presented three arguments for an intelligent cause: the first from the fine tuning of the constants, the second from the design of the laws, and the third from the initial conditions at the big bang. In this episode, the final one in this series, we’ll summarize the prior...
Published 09/03/23
In this episode, we complete our final argument and convincingly show that the low entropy initial conditions at the big bang point directly to an intelligent cause for the order in our universe - what we’ll call an intelligent orderer. In doing so, we’ll encounter an amazing, mind-bogglingly...
Published 08/20/23