This Pipilo tale is called, "Fox In A Box." This is the story of Sam, an older man who finds a perfect companion at the animal shelter.This tale was created and performed by Leah Ray Mendez.For more stories and songs like this as well as our entire Spanish language collection, become a member today!
This Pipilo tale is called, "The Enchanted Garden." It comes from a Pipilo Tales series called "Luna & Soli" about a family who live in the dry tropical rainforests of South America. In this tale, Luna and Soli are having a difficult morning. Every little thing is irritating them. When Mama...
Published 03/07/24
This Pipilo tale is called, "Kupti & Imani." In this traditional tale from India, two sisters choose opposite paths in life. One chooses a life of luxury and ease while to other chooses hard work and uncertainty. When one sister fares better than the other, the bitter heart of jealousy...
Published 01/26/24