- Episode 1 of a new season and a 7 episode arc on Games + Mental Health
- Dr. Jennifer Hazel is a psychiatric doctor and the founder of Checkpoint Organization
- Checkpoint is a nonprofit that raises awareness and gives resources about mental health in the gaming community
- Normalizing the language around mental health
- The results of the latest research on the psychological benefits of video games (hint: RPGs are apparently amazing)
- The number 1 game that gamers find improves their mental health - Mass Effect. With Dragon Age as a close second.
- The particular value of playing stealth games
- Why games are so difficult to research
- Wait - Dark Souls is GOOD for your mental health?!
- Escapism and games - self-expansive and self-suppressive (Link to research)
- Retelling the story of you gaming experience - from gamer guilt to embracing your identity
- Dr. Hazel and I share our experiences of using our passion for games to reach beyond our comfort zones to help fellow gamers
- How the Checkpoint video series tackles mental health issues using the power of video games
- +7 Intelligence Discord Server
- Join an awesome community all about the power of games to influence our lives and the world around us. Come chat and play games with me and your fellow listeners.
- Nerdificent Podcast
- Checkpoint Organization
- Checkpoint Series on Youtube
- Checkpoint Org on Twitter
- Checkpoint Org on Facebook
- Checkpoint Org on Instagram
- LoveShack Entertainment
About +7 Intelligence
+7 Intelligence is the podcast about how games impact people.
Each episode explores a different perspective on how games profoundly influence the real world. Interviews with game designers, psychologists, professionals, and everyday players discuss the unique way that games influence their life and work.
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+7 Intelligence is a member of the Podglomerate network.
Music by Creo
Epilogue by Creo is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.