In this episode, we explore the concept of metaphorical truths and how they can be just as important as literal truths. We discuss examples of metaphorical truths in the context of sports and survival, and consider how these concepts can be applied to our daily lives. We also examine the role of religion in providing guidance for living in the present moment, and future generations. Ultimately, we consider the importance of understanding and embracing the power of metaphorical truths.
For the full podcast episode between Bret and Jonathan check out Ancient Wisdom, Modern World: Bret Speaks with Jonathan Pageau here -
In this episode, grief expert Francis Weller outlines the 5 reasons that human grieve. Most of these "gates" of grief we've never heard of. However, the fact that they're hidden to us makes them even more impactful in our lives because they're not being attended to. Listen to this episode to...
Published 09/22/22
We left Episode 17 with a difficult question: is there an effective and accessible way to approach grief for the tragedies we are currently facing?
We found an answer in an incredible interview with renowned grief physiologist Francis Weller. This episode explores grief from a fascinating...
Published 08/05/22