baby vc is an initiative run by students and young VCs that revolves around a 10-week venture capital bootcamp, surrounded by a community of passionate entrepreneurial talents from different backgrounds with the shared vision to democratise access to the European tech ecosystem, is coming to southern Europe and more specifically Iberia in 2024.
Since 2019, the program has already helped over 150 alumni secure positions in some of the most relevant European funds. It started off 5 years ago in France, expanded in the last 2 years to DACH and UK, and is now arriving in Iberia and Italy. The Iberian cohort will start in March 2024 and feature some of the most relevant funds in the region, such as Adara, Bynd, Kibo, JME, and ourselves at Kfund.
In this episode we chat with Ghita Benjelloun and Mehdi Benjelloun, co-founders of babyvc, and we're also joined by our own Jorge Campo.
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