Political Coffee 9-30-2024: George and Simona Papadopoulos interview on the Friday night premiere in Oregon of their documentary ‘Hunters Laptop”. MZ118 trashed by WSJ: hurting biz and raising your cost of living, OR DMV cover up? Feds admit 155k il
George and Simona Papadopoulos interview on the Friday night premiere in Oregon of their documentary ‘Hunters Laptop”. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oregon-premier-hunters-laptop-movie-live-qa-with-george-papadopoulos-tickets-1024083670827?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
MZ118 trashed by WSJ: hurting biz and raising your cost of living: https://oregoncatalyst.com/80698-measure-118-trashed-nations-largest-newspaper.html
Cover up at OR DMV? https://www.opb.org/article/2024/09/27/oregon-voter-registration-error-non-citizens-voting/
Feds admit 155k illegal alien driver arrests but data doesn’t say how many have been killed or injured by illegals. https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/09/30/auto-insurance-rises-amid-155000-migrant-traffic-criminals-suspects/
647,000 criminal illegals are not in ICE custody, including over 13,000 convicted murderers: https://thefederalist.com/2024/09/27/report-647k-noncitizens-convicted-or-suspected-of-homicide-other-crimes-are-not-in-ice-custody/
The chart is stunning: https://oregoncatalyst.com/80693-662566-criminals-crossed-border.html
Taxes likely to go up with OR Dems in control? Gotta fill the PERS hole: https://www.salemreporter.com/2024/11/18/salem-keizer-pers-increase-20-million/
Dick Hughes on the elections in OR:...
Published 11/19/24
Coffee Klatch tonight at Sparky’s Brewing Co at 6-8pm to find out how Mike Johnson in the House can force the Senate into recess so Trump can recess appoint his cabinet and not let the Senate RINO’s stop them....
Published 11/18/24