Virgin Birth
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I saw Marguerite Rigoglioso, our guest for todays episode, on an interview with Gaia and she moved me to tears. Not because she said anything sentimental or sad, but I think it’s because she gave me some validation that I was looking for and you’ll soon understand why.  Some of you might be of Christian…More
More Episodes
Published 06/05/21
Finally!!! I know I’m late guys. It’s kinda crazy having a full time job, studying Ayurveda, and trying to edit podcast episodes/change my website host! (ALSO WENT ON QUITE A FEW VACAY’s NOT GONNA LIE- BUT I DESERVED THEM……..) So, I am three weeks later than I promised, but better late than...
Published 05/29/21
Goodbye 2020! And Goodbye Season 1 of Pollinated. We are so grateful for everything you taught us and we can't wait to see what is in store for the future. We will be back in May 2021 with Season 2!
Published 12/31/20