We have arrived at the last episode in our Progessence Plus by Young Living Essential Oil series. Our guest this week is Heather. While Heather did not have trouble conceiving her first two children, she later discovered she had low progesterone which ended up resulting in a miscarriage when trying for baby #3. Heather uses Pro+ to support her cycle and progesterone, and she also talks about so many other essential oils she uses in order to support her non-toxic lifestyle which she is...
Published 09/24/20
Find out how Jaimie went from perimenopausal symptoms in her late 20’s to a wedding night baby in her mid 30’s It was Jaimie’s decision to ditch toxic candles, chemicals and sleeping aids that led her to young living essential oils. She has since become a non-toxic living enthusiast and a young living advocateMore
Published 09/17/20
Find out how Jaimie went from perimenopausal symptoms in her late 20's to a wedding night baby in her mid 30's It was Jaimie’s decision to ditch toxic candles, chemicals and sleeping aids that led her to young living essential oils. She has since become a non-toxic living enthusiast and a young living advocate
Published 09/17/20
If you have been trying to conceive, RUN, don’t walk, to your nearest laptop and order yourself a bottle of Young Living Progessence Plus Essential Oil. Here is the second episode in my Young Living Progessence Plus series! This essential oil has revealed itself to be pure magic for so many women who have been…More
Published 09/10/20
Here is the second episode in my Young Living Progessence Plus series! This essential oil has revealed itself to be pure magic for so many women who have been trying to balance hormones and or who have been trying to conceive. In this episode we feature Marianne's story. She and her husband tried to conceive for 7 years (including 5 failed IUI's) before discovering progessence plus. Listen to her amazing story, but first - order yourself a bottle of pro+
Published 09/10/20
If you are looking for magic in a bottle – You might have just found it ! Dr’s told her Jeannie she had a 2% chance of conceiving naturally her journey to baby involves: 2+ years of trying multiple fertility treatments w/ chlomid, then femara, FOUR failed IUI cycles Insert pro plus 5 months later…More
Published 09/03/20
If you are looking for magic in a bottle - You might have just found it ! Dr’s told her Jeannie she had a 2% chance of conceiving naturally her journey to baby involves: 2+ years of trying multiple fertility treatments w/ chlomid, then femara, FOUR failed IUI cycles Insert pro plus 5 months later ... you can guess what happened Be sure to subscribe because each week this month I am releasing a pro+ success story Do you have a pro plus story to share ? DM ME !! Looking for more pro...
Published 09/03/20
It was the third morning after the Mantra was given to me by Chandresh to meditate on Goddess Durga fertility. I was rushing out of the house and realized I hadn’t yet meditated I thought to myself “okay I’ll do it later” Then I thought about the discipline and energetics of connecting with the Goddess…More
Published 08/27/20
It was the third morning after the Mantra was given to me by Chandresh to meditate on Goddess Durga fertility. I was rushing out of the house and realized I hadn't yet meditated I thought to myself “okay I’ll do it later” Then I thought about the discipline and energetics of connecting with the Goddess that Chandresh and I talk about in this episode, and I realized that even if it was just 5 minutes I had to sit and meditate. So I did my 5 minutes then jumped in the car and drove 30...
Published 08/27/20
Cassandra Bodzak Cassandra is a spiritual teacher, author, speaker, and mentor. Set aside less than 15 minutes and meditate with us http://www.cassandrabodzak.comMore
Published 08/20/20
I recorded this meditation during one of my mentorship calls with Cassandra! It was time for me to launch the podcast and I was feeling super nervous so we did this meditation to help me feel grounded and secure in my offerings from my podcast to this world. You don’t have to launch a podcast to benefit from this grounding meditation! Find out more about Cassandra, meditation tools and much more, visit her website: www.cassandrabodzak.com Hope you enjoy!
Published 08/20/20
I interviewed Carolina just after she graduated with her Masters Degree in nutrition- but trust me the knowledge from her degree is nothing in comparison to the real life experience she brings us in this episode Carolina was diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS and after only 4 months on keto she experienced a cycle for the…More
Published 08/13/20
I interviewed Carolina just after she graduated with her Masters Degree in nutrition- but trust me the knowledge from her degree is nothing in comparison to the real life experience she brings us in this episode Carolina was diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS and after only 4 months on keto she experienced a cycle for the first time in 16 years!! She has since lost lost 200 pounds on keto, completely rid her PCOS symptoms and gotten pregnant -with TWINS! (talk about enhancing fertility)

s he...
Published 08/13/20
Supercharge your fertility naturally with Sarah Clark Interview with Sarah Clark, author of Fabulously Fertile, Supercharge your fertility naturally  find her on insta : @fabfertile book: podcast  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/get-pregnant-naturally/id1329414094More
Published 08/07/20
Interview with Sarah Clark, author of Fabulously Fertile and host of the podcast Get Pregnant Naturally
Published 08/07/20
update of whats happening personally and on the pod
Published 07/31/20
message to my husband while we are going through fertility journey
Published 07/24/20
For years Julie wasn’t ovulating on her own. After seeking medical attention, Julie was prescribed Clomid (a common fertility drug) and after few cycles got pregnant with twins! A couple of years later when she was ready to expand her family, Julie decided to go through another Clomid cycle, and got pregnant with her daughter Hope. At a regular 24 week check up, the doctor couldn’t find a heart beat. Julie talks about this emotional time in her life and opens up about how she handled that...
Published 07/18/20
ok ladies!! we’ve all been there you went to CVS (or amazon), bought your #OPK (ovulation predictor kit), and it turned blue!! now - GAME TIME. you're ovulating and you need to have SEX RIGHT NOW! clocks ticking… but really though how sexy is it call your husband and say “ I'm ovulating, we need to have sex RIGHT NOW” its not. what did I try? I put it as a calendar event in iCal (emoji laugh) ...that was not the sexiest !! THATS WHY I asked my next guest DR Nazanin Moali to interview...
Published 07/16/20
this weeks story of timing is with Amanda Morgan! excited to bring you this episode for so many reasons: -this is the first story that involves male diagnosis only. this was Such a great perspective for me and so relatable because although our stories are somewhat different - they have many similarities and it brought up a lot of questions for me personally that you’ll be able to hear me ask like: am i delaying the inevitable ? and what if I have this IVF back up plan but it doesn’t actually...
Published 07/11/20
“All people really want to know is - Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say even matter?” Oprah (the woman who doesn’t need a last name)
Published 07/10/20
Published 07/03/20
Phenomenal Woman: a poem by Maya Angelou
Published 07/03/20
my thoughts on how to be happy for your pregnant friend when you've been trying to conceive
Published 06/27/20
Why do you need a Sauna? Find out in this interview with Sauna Space founder Brian Richards.
Published 06/26/20