In this episode of Real Talks with Poles I talk to Ewelina about: - "The office" - personality of characters in this show - differences between American and British humor Read the beginning of transcript below and/or download full transcript from https://www.polskidaily.eu/course/rzp14 Cześc i czołem kluski z rosołem! Welcome to Polski Daily Stories and Talks. If you are listening to this podcast for the first time, let me tell you quickly what are Real Talks with Poles and how you can...
Published 10/25/20
Practice your listening skill with Real Talks! In this short conversation my guest is talking about healthy lifestyle. You will learn a lot of new useful words and phrases. After the conversation I explain a few interesting words and some grammar so listen till the end. If you like Real Talks with Poles, please subscribe and leave me a review wherever you are listening. It will be a great help to grow my podcast! Thanks! Download your transcript here:...
Published 10/12/20
Cześć! I hope you are also excited about this new episode of Real Talks! This time I asked Magdalena about her life in Italy and picked the fragment about breakfast. The talk is very easy so it's great if you are A1 or A2. There is a transcript, exercises and a vocabulary list waiting for you in a PDF here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/courses/rtp12 You can also watch the lesson about imperfect forms of verbs here:...
Published 09/27/20
Welcome to a completely new formal of the podcast episodes! Now we are going to learn Polish with natives speakers. I interview Poles - I ask them very basic questions and they answer spontaneously. Then I make transcript, write exercises and explain you more interesting colloquial phrases and grammar. What do you think about this form of learning? Hot or not? Let me know in a review! Download the transcript from: https://www.polskidaily.eu/course/rtp11 Have you discovered the Polski Daily...
Published 09/13/20
The ending of this story is for sure not something one would like to read in a love story. But I just cannot write normal love stories :D I hope you will enjoy it regardless and if you have a better idea for the ending - please write it in Polish and send it to me at [email protected] You can also treat this story just as a language exercises - download the transcript and exercises from:...
Published 09/01/20
Listen to the descriptions of people who live in one building. Download the PDF from https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds054 and fill the blanks with words you hear. You can also practice you cases with another exercise in the same document! Let me know if my stories are useful! Share them with other students and friends who also learn Polish! Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you discovered the Polski...
Published 08/16/20
This story was inspired by my student Eneida's e-mail in which she told me another similar story that really happened in Brazil. She suggested publishing a story with a lot of words related to epidemic and I found it to be a great idea. This story can be a bit difficult for you but I put a vocabulary list just below the transcript and exercises. You can download it here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds053 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Have you discovered...
Published 08/02/20
This is a story of an Irish man who left everything and moved to Szczebrzeszyn. Why? Listen to it and read the transcript. Remember, there are exercises available for this story too! https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds054 [fragment transkrypcji] Jest luty. W małym mieście na wschodzie Polski pada śnieg. Do jedynej pizzeri w mieście wchodzi wysoki, starszy mężczyzna w grubej, brązowej kurtce i szarej czapce. Siada przy barze, rozbiera się i zamawia pizzę oraz duże piwo, a potem patrzy na...
Published 07/12/20
To już czwarta i ostatnia część historii o Róży i Racheli. Mam nadzieję, że tak jak ja się z nimi zaprzyjaźniłeś/łaś i smutno Ci jest się z nimi rozstawać :) Jeśli chcesz nauczyć się więcej z tej historii, pobierz transkrypcję i ćwiczenia: www.polskidaily.eu/pds051 FRAGMENT TRANSKRYPCJI: Trzy miesiące. Tyle potrzebowały Róża i Rachela na znalezienie miejsca na cukiernię. Obejrzały w międzyczasie wiele lokali, na które nie było ich stać i zrezygnowane wracały do domu, aż w końcu jedna z...
Published 06/29/20
Listen to the third part of the story "Trzymajcie się razem". In this episode you will learn what happened to the girls once they moved with their aunt to the USA. Have you noticed it's already 50th episode of this podcast! The audio improved, the stories improved and the exercises also improved! Download your exercises and a transcript from https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds050! Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the...
Published 06/14/20
This is the second part of the story "Trzymajcie się razem". In the first part we met two little girls - Rachela and Róża who were taken from their parents for their own safety. Unfortunately the first plan of keeping them safe didn't work out so they had to escape. Listen to the second part to learn if they made it and what happened next! Download the transcript and exercises: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds049 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to...
Published 05/31/20
[A2+] One day two sisters are taken away from their parents. What will happen to them and how will they cope with the new situation? Listen to the first part of the new story and don't forget to download the transcript and do exercises to make sure you understand everything! -> https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds048
Published 05/17/20
This is the story for everyone who is into DIY ( or just going to buy, sell, renovate their houses). In this story you'll hear words like kosiarka - a lawn mower, przedłużacz - an extension cord or piła - a saw because it's story about a man who retired and finally could pursue his passion! You can find the transcript and exercises for this podcast here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/b1-majsterkowanie-diy/ Grammar Club I talk about in the outro:...
Published 05/03/20
A few weeks ago I read this story of a grandfather who was supposed to pick up his granddaughter from a kindergarten in Sweden but not everything went as planned. I decided to use this story to write something for you! Check out what was the problem of Stanisław - our main character and don't forget to explore the transcript and exercises! You'll find them here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds046 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup...
Published 04/19/20
[A1] This is a story of a woman who just retired and wants to enjoy her life. Will she be able to do it? In this episode I come back to the old formula of asking questions in the middle of the story. Please let me know what you prefer - full audio with exercises at the end of audio with questions. Download the Transcript of this story from: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds045 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑...
Published 04/04/20
Posłuchaj nowej historii, której akcja dzieje się w pociągu. To opowiadanie nie jest ani krótkie, anie łatwe, ale na końcu uczę kilku interesujących i trudniejszych fraz z tekstu! Jeśli czujesz, że jest ci trochę trudno wszystko zrozumieć, pobierz PDF z transkrypcją i ćwiczeniami tutaj: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds044 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️ Vocabulary...
Published 03/21/20
[A1.1] This story is about a girl who found something interesting in her school. Practice you listening skills and daily objects vocabulary. Download the PDF with exercises and transcript so you can also practice verbs in Present Tense! The PDF is here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds043 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️ Vocabulary Training 👂🏻 Listening Comprehension 🏃...
Published 03/05/20
[A1.2] Ta historia jest o mężczyźnie, który przez 1990 był biedny, ale potem jego życie się zmieniło... Listen to the story and read the transcript. On www.polskidaily.eu/pds042 you will find the transcript and vocabulary and grammar exercises for the story. It will help you to understand better and improve various language skills! Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️...
Published 02/21/20
[A2/B1] Even though I am not a fan of Valentine's Day, here is a short love story with prefixal verbs based on "brać". Check out what different prefixes mean and how to use them, and then print out the transcript with exercises and master them! Transkrypcję i ćwiczenia do tego odcinka znajdziesz na https://www.polskidaily.eu/167 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️...
Published 02/10/20
[A2/B1] Pamiętasz historię starszej kobiety, która mieszkała w niebieskim domu? Dzisiaj mam dla Ciebie drugą część, w której dowiesz się, dlaczego ta kobieta była zawsze smutna i samotna. Transkrypcję i ćwiczenia do tego odcinka znajdziesz na https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds040 Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️ Vocabulary Training 👂🏻 Listening Comprehension 🏃 Interactive...
Published 01/27/20
[A2/B1] This story is about a few people living in the same neighbourhood. One of them is an old lady children are afraid of. She hates when they kick their ball into her garden. Listen to the story and do the exercises! Have you discovered the Polski Daily Club yet? If not go to https://www.polskidaily.eu/signup and join the club! 📑 Worksheets 🎵 Podcasts Transcripts 🗣️ Vocabulary Training 👂🏻 Listening Comprehension 🏃 Interactive Exercises 🧙‍♂️Stories 🏦Bilingual Newsletter about Polish...
Published 01/12/20
[A2] Are you a dogs lover? If so, you must listen to this story! You will learn so many words and phrases about dogs and you'll be able to use them talking about your pets! Key words you'll need: - szczekać - to bark - ciągnąć smycz - to pull a leash - wyć - to howl - skakać - to jump - warczeć - to growl - robić siku - to pee - sierść - fur - machać ogonem - to wing a tail - głąskać po grzbiecie - to strone on the back - drapać po brzuchu - to scratch the tummy - leżeć - to lie - karma -...
Published 12/23/19
Christmas is soon! I hope you are also excited about this magical season because it's the most beautiful holiday in Poland! And because of it I wrote you a new story! You will hear about a young guy who doesn't help his mother at home and a fish who is a bit more than just a fish. Download the transcript for this story: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds037 MOJE LINKI: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2XJJ2g8 Grupa na FB: http://bit.ly/2JvQXol Instagram: http://bit.ly/2LP3cy0 Spotify:...
Published 12/09/19
[A2/B1] This is the last part of Maja's story! Check out how she liked her life in America and if she is happy or not! If you haven't heard the other episodes of this story go to the beginning: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds032 Download the transcript for this story: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds036 MOJE LINKI: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2XJJ2g8 Grupa na FB: http://bit.ly/2JvQXol Instagram: http://bit.ly/2LP3cy0 Spotify: https://spoti.fi/30vnzEr POMÓŻ MI NAGRYWAĆ NOWE ODCINKI. ZAPISZ SIĘ...
Published 11/25/19
[A2/B1] This is the 3rd part of Maja's story! Learn if she finally manage to have a successful interview. Get to know another member of her family. Listen to a story of a woman who took completely opposite step in her life. Here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pds035 you'll find the transcript with 9 exercises which will help you understand the story, practice vocabulary, phrases and grammar! MOJE LINKI: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2XJJ2g8 Grupa na FB: http://bit.ly/2JvQXol Instagram:...
Published 11/11/19