The first episode of The Acolyte introduces the High Republic era, a hundred years before the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire. The show follows an investigation into an assassin targeting Jedi. The conversation methodically reviews episodes 1 and 2 of the show, highlighting the principal themes and discussing the flaws in the storytelling. The hosts criticize the lazy writing, convenient plot developments, and lack of character development. They also express frustration with the agenda-driven approach and the lack of attention to logic and consistency. The conversation covers topics such as the portrayal of the Jedi, the use of a doppelganger plot, the underwhelming fight scenes, and the questionable decisions made by the characters.
00:00 Introduction
02:30 News: Connor McGregor calls out
07:32 News: Tyson- Paul Postponed
10:06 What we're watching
14:55 Star Wars: The Acolyte episodes 1&2 Review
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