Position of Neutrality: Putting Selfishness to Rest in Step 3 AA Overcoming Alcoholism Finding Strength Through Faith
Join Joe McDonald as he reads and expands on the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, offering deeper understanding and practical advice for those on their recovery journey. In this Step 3 AA session, Joe emphasizes the need to overcome selfishness with the help of a higher power. He explains that while we may attempt to defeat our selfish desires on our own, it's ultimately the power of God that makes it possible to walk a new path. Drawing parallels to spiritual teachings, Joe reflects on how we must let go of self-will and trust in a higher purpose.
Joe shares, "We muster, it kills us, but God makes it possible." This powerful message highlights the importance of surrendering to this process in order to live a life of freedom, one that isn't burdened by the weight of selfishness. Joe’s teachings remind us that through this surrender, we learn to walk the path of recovery with greater ease, guided by the strength of a higher power.
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