Have you heard of the term “manifesting”? It’s become quite a buzz word in recent years, particularly in secular circles. Some Christians believe it’s New Age or even evil, while others embrace it as compatible with scripture. Join us today for Part 2 of a 2-part series were we analyze what manifesting is, look into what scripture says on the matter, and come to some pretty interesting conclusions about whether manifesting has a place in a Christian’s prayer life. We’ve updated our...
Published 12/18/23
This week’s guest on the Praying Christian Women podcast bravely tackles a difficult topic that needs to be discussed: how to navigate domestic abuse, hurt and forgiveness as a Christian woman. Melanie Campbell writes about these heavy issues in her novel One Woman Falling, and in this episode Melanie talks about her own experience with an abusive relationship that inspired the book, gives practical advice for how the Church can better support abused women, and talks about the importance of...
Published 12/12/23
Have you heard of the term “manifesting”? It’s become quite a buzz word in recent years, particularly in secular circles. Some Christians believe it’s New Age or even evil, while others embrace it as compatible with scripture. Join us today for Part 1 of a 2-part series were we analyze what manifesting is, look into what scripture says on the matter, and come to some pretty interesting conclusions about whether manifesting has a place in a Christian’s prayer life. We’ve updated our...
Published 12/04/23
How honest do you get with God? Even though you know God sees it all, is there a part of you that holds back in prayer, or attempts to conceal motives and desires, hopes or dreams because you’re not sure they’re good enough for a holy God? The problem is, when we don’t feel comfortable being totally transparent with God it can keep us from being honest with ourselves, uncovering who we truly are, and even stunt our spiritual growth. That’s why we’re really excited to welcome Jennifer...
Published 11/28/23
Do you run a business? Own or co-own a company? Help manage a team of employees? Today, Becky and Alana are chatting all about how to pray for your business! But even if you're not your own CEO, today's episode applies to women who feel guilty for praying for yourselves, women who struggling knowing how to pray for your finances, women who feel like you have disappointments but don't know how to take them to prayer in a God-honoring way ... basically all of us! If you're interested in the...
Published 11/22/23
Happy Thanksgiving week to our friends in the U.S.! Whether you observe American Thanksgiving or not, there’s no better time to celebrate the power of gratitude. Here at Praying Christian Women we have a lot to be thankful for. We’ve been making some changes behind the scenes that include adding a new member to our team, Becky Kopitzke! In this week’s episode we bring Becky on to introduce herself, and each of us takes time to share our testimony and reflect on answered prayer and gratitude.
Published 11/20/23
Do you ever feel like you've been playing it safe in your prayer life by limiting your prayers to small, manageable prayers rather than asking big things from a big God? You're not alone! We all get into prayer ruts from time to time. This week we discuss some root fears that keep us from praying bigger, offer some tips for how to stretch yourself to pray more audaciously, and even talk about some pitfalls to avoid when praying big prayers. Grab your free scripture journal at...
Published 11/13/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Sunday November 5th is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We could think of no better person to talk to than our guest this week, Lana Silk. Lana is the CEO of Transform Iran, a ministry to help Christians and the Underground Church in Iran. We talk with Lana about what it was like for her to grow up in Iran, the civil rights challenges that face women and girls there today, and how the...
Published 11/06/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Today we do a deep-dive into a question we've touched on in past episodes: should we pray for little things? We've called them "parking space prayers" before - praying for small things that others may think are too insignificant to take to God. What constitutes a "little thing" anyway? Can we take it too far? Does focusing small take away from praying big prayers to a Big God? We discuss these questions...
Published 10/30/23
Don’t forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! When was the last time you took time to do some spiritual reflection? More than ever before, we need to fight for time to be still and reflect. That’s why we’re so happy to talk with Molly Ovenden, author of Closer: Spiritual Reflections for Writers and Thinkers. Molly understands how hard it can be to create time and conjure up energy to do the much-needed work of partnering with God in...
Published 10/23/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Have you ever heard someone offer to send "good vibes" and wondered if it was basically the same as prayer? Or have you felt like it was too woo-woo to be part of a Christian vocabulary? Wherever you land on the "good vibes" spectrum, we'd love for you to join us in our conversation about this popular saying. In this off-the-cuff conversation, we discuss where the phrase "good vibes" comes from, what it...
Published 10/16/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/podcast today! Have you been hurt by someone you love? Have you wondered if it’s time to set some boundaries, or maybe even take a break in a family relationship but aren’t sure what godly boundaries look like? If so, you absolutely don’t want to miss our conversation this week with Julie Plagens, author of “Estranged: Finding Hope When Your Family Falls Apart.” Julie shares her own story of estrangement from her family, the...
Published 10/03/23
Don’t forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! In this episode of the Praying Christian Women podcast, Jaime shares with Alana about some takeaways from a mission trip to Guatemala she and her oldest son were part of over the summer with Athentikos, a ministry dedicated to transforming lives with the gospel through art. To learn more about Athentikos and their I Am Art events, visit their website at Athentikos.com. Watch their film...
Published 09/26/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! You may be familiar with the famous love story of Elisabeth Elliot and her husband Jim, who was tragically speared to death with fellow missionaries while attempting to bring the Gospel to an unreached people group in Ecuador. You may remember Elisabeth's shocking choice to move with her young daughter to live among the very people who were responsible for her husband's death. You may have read some of her...
Published 09/19/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Have you ever felt like there is something standing between life as you know it and the abundant life you know God has planned for you? If so, you need to tune in to this week's episode of the Praying Christian Women podcast! Patricia Holbrook examines scripture to reveal how the Enemy's schemes can derail us from God's plans for us. She talks about how to recognize spiritual attack, some of the common tactics...
Published 09/04/23
Make sure to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Many of us are gearing up for another school year, so we wanted to devote an episode to talking about transitions, new beginnings, and how to go about praying in this new season. Whether you find yourself sending a child to kindergarten for the first time, dropping a child off at college or simply ushering in a new season of work and family this fall, we would love for you to pull up a chair and...
Published 08/28/23
Don’t forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! If you haven’t heard of Bianca Juarez Olthoff, you might be about to meet your new virtual BFF. If you have, you know you do not want to miss this week’s episode of the Praying Christian Women podcast! Bianca’s passion for the Lord and teaching God’s Word permeates everything she does, and our conversation about her new book Grit Don't Quit: Developing Resilience and Faith When Giving Up Isn't an...
Published 08/21/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Have you ever struggled with balancing sports and church in your home? Have you ever prayed for a kid to score a goal or win a game, but wondered if that’s even the right thing to pray for? If so, you’re going to love this week’s conversation with longtime friend of the podcast, Brooke McGlothlin from Million Praying Moms! Brooke talks about her family’s journey to find balance in sports and faith, shares tips...
Published 08/15/23
Don’t forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Have you ever felt forgotten by God? It can feel incredibly lonely, frustrating and tempting to give up. Ashley Morgan Jackson has been there and has a lot to say on the subject, so we hope you’ll join us for an incredible conversation with her! Ashley works full time for Proverbs 31 Ministries, is a speaker and author of Tired of Trying: How to Hold On to God When You’re Frustrated, Fed Up, and...
Published 08/07/23
Grab your free scripture journal today at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal! Curious about the term "toxic positivity"? We were! The idea of toxic positivity seems to have recently gained traction, so we wanted to talk about what it is and how this kind of outlook can impact our prayer lives. Dictionary.com defines toxic positivity this way: "Toxic positivity is a critical term for the practice of promoting or attempting to maintain a positive mindset or attitude regardless of what...
Published 07/31/23
Don’t forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! You are going to absolutely love this week’s guest on the podcast. Bethny Ricks is a dynamic speaker and leadership expert, poet, author and founder of the Jesus Led, Bible Fed community on Instagram. Bethny talks with us about her book An Inconvenient Journey which includes reflections along her own faith journey of working through past trauma toward healing and wholeness. She shares about how...
Published 07/24/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! In the month of July we're going to be revisiting a few of our top-ranked episodes. Whether you haven't heard them for a while or missed them altogether, we pray each of these will be timely and relevant to you! If you're a longtime listener, you know we love to highlight the importance of embracing the unique ways God made you and using them to your advantage in your prayer life. Prayer is a relationship,...
Published 07/17/23
Grab your free scripture journal today at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal! In the month of July we're going to be revisiting a few of our top-ranked episodes. Whether you haven't heard them for a while or missed them altogether, we pray each of these will be timely and relevant to you! In this week's episode we talk about the A.C.T.S. method of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication), which is a fun, versatile, thorough method of prayer that we personally love -...
Published 07/10/23
Don't forget to grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! In the month of July we're going to be revisiting a few of our top-ranked episodes. Whether you haven't heard them for a while or missed them altogether, we pray each of these will be timely and relevant to you! Episode 192: How to Pray When Life Throws You Curve Balls Has life thrown you any curve balls lately? If it hasn't, chances are at some point it will. Jesus tells us that in this...
Published 07/03/23
Grab your free scripture journal at www.prayingchristianwomen.com/journal today! Have you experienced a “divine detour” in your life - a curve ball you didn’t see coming? At the time, it could seem like the end of the world, or at the very least like God took a vacation from looking out for you. But our guest today on the podcast, Lori Ann Wood, has some real encouragement for us. She shares the story of her own “divine detour” and how it actually became the catalyst for a faith she never...
Published 06/26/23