If you're looking for a non-invasive way to help relieve your pregnancy discomfort, then acupuncture may be a great alternative for you! How exactly does acupuncture work and how can it help to heal the body? Does having a bunch of needles inserted just below your skin hurt? And what can you expect to happen during an appointment? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 09/02/24
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/30/24
You are out of the newborn haze and are starting to feel more like yourself. You want to meet up with your girlfriends who have babies similar in age but are wondering how beneficial it is to have your babies hang out? Today we are diving more into baby milestones and how having baby playdates can be beneficial for your little one’s development! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/29/24
For most couples, marital satisfaction plummets after couples bring home a baby. Sleepless nights and fights over whose turn it is to change diapers can leach the fun out of a relationship. The absence of downtime and the inability to remember niceties causes unforeseen stress and negative feelings. What are the most common ways children impact our marriages? And how can we lessen the impact of all this child chaos and the effect it has on our relationship with our spouse? Today we’re...
Published 08/28/24
Finding good childcare can be tough for any parent. But finding childcare for your twins that fits your lifestyle and budget can sometimes feel impossible. What are the most popular childcare options for twins? Today our parents share their specific experience when working with nannies, daycares, au pairs and babysitters. How practical are these options for you and your family? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/27/24
Most people think of it as a "breathing technique" that helps women during labor and delivery. However, Lamaze is much more than that. Through the years, this childbirth education method has evolved into a philosophy that builds women's confidence and prepares them for pregnancy and birth. So, what are the main principles of Lamaze? And what can you expect to happen during a Lamaze class? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/26/24
Breastfeeding in public can be a daunting task for a new breastfeeding mom. Today we're talking with Abby Theuring of the popular blog, The Badass Breastfeeder, about her recommendations for conquering those initial fears to accomplish your breastfeeding goals. Why is it so important to breastfeed while in public? And what tips does Abby have for dealing with staring onlookers?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/23/24
You are out of the Newborn phase. YAY! But now your doctor is talking about baby milestones? When should my child start crawling? Should I be concerned my baby doesn’t babble? Is it realistic to expect my baby to walk by one? In this episode we are going over baby milestones to take the stress out of what to expect!  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/22/24
Young children have the ability to learn and retain multiple languages at the same time. What enables them to decipher between the different languages and not confuse them? And as a parent, what do you need to know about raising a multilingual child? What are some of the benefits as well as the challenges?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/21/24
You've successfully delivered your twins, now it's time to give your body a little TLC for all its hard work! What can you expect to experience within the first six weeks after giving birth to your babies? How does the recovery process with twins differ from having just one baby? What typically happens after having a c-section versus having a vaginal birth? And what are some options for reshaping your body to help you feel a bit more "normal" again? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 08/20/24
Whether you want to birth your baby at home, at a midwife center or in the hospital, hiring a birth doula might be the best option for you. Not only do they come with a wealth of knowledge, but having one present has been proven to give you better labor outcomes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/19/24
When a breastfeeding mom isn't making enough milk on her own, she has to consider some sort of supplementation for her little one. If you have low milk supply, what options are available and what are the pros and cons of each? Which options did our panelists choose and why? And what additional resources are available to help you make an informed decision? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/16/24
Going back to work after maternity leave can bring on a range of emotions for new moms — from anxiety about pumping and leaving your baby at daycare to excitement over feeling more like your old self. So what do new parents need to know as they re-enter the workplace? And what can you do before and during your leave to help you have a smooth transition into this new phase of parenthood? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/15/24
A serious medical diagnosis can change your family's life forever. Suddenly, you are thrust into an environment of doctor's appointments, blood tests, x-rays and more. As a parent, how do you explain the situation to your child? How can a serious diagnosis impact the relationship with your spouse and other siblings? Plus, tips from parents who have personally experienced a difficult diagnosis. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/14/24
The first month in your newborn twins life is full of excitement. And creating a routine may help you and your family adjust better. How much are newborn twins expected to sleep? How can you better coordinate your feeding schedule so they babies are getting the nutrition they need? How many diaper changes can you expect each day? Plus, where to turn if you need a little extra help. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/13/24
Thinking about adding an OB/GYN to your team of health care providers? What type of prenatal care can you expect to receive with an OB/GYN? What exactly is their role during the labor and delivery process? And how can you find an OB/GYN that best fits your goals outlined in your birth plan? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/12/24
Whether it's the dead of winter or middle of summer, spending time outdoors has so many benefits for you and your baby. So how can you make getting outside a part of your routine? What are some outdoor activities to try with your baby? And what's the best way to prepare for leaving the house? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/09/24
Did you know unusual amounts of stress can impact the breastfeeding relationship you have with your baby? Sometimes these hormones work together to improve mood and lactation and sometimes they are in conflict with one another. So, what can we do about it? How does fear and anxiety impact your baby? And how can it create difficulties when trying to bond with your baby? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/09/24
Losing a child is devastating to a family. Parents are not only dealing with grief but they are forced to somehow find the strength to continue to parent their other children, who are also greatly impacted by the situation. Today you'll meet some parents who are living with the reality of losing a child. They share their struggles and they'll provide hope and encouragement for other parents needing help.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/07/24
Most twin parents agree that getting your twosome on a regular sleep schedule is one of the biggest challenges for new parents of twins. What are some of the main issues when it comes to getting twins to sleep as opposed to singletons? What are sleep patterns and what can you expect from your newborns within those first few months? Plus, tips for getting your little ones on a consistent sleep schedule so you can get some shut-eye too! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 08/06/24
You just confirmed you are pregnant and now your doctor is talking about prenatal nutrition. You remember hearing pregnant women are supposed to avoid sushi, deli meat and alcohol but is that it? Today we are diving deep into the dos and don’ts of prenatal nutrition and talking about those pregnancy cravings you have heard so much about! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/05/24
Athletes are a special group of people who are constantly in the mindset of looking and feeling their best so they can perform well. The training can be intense, so what happens when you have a baby and you decide to breastfeed or pump for your baby? Today we’re talking about what it means to be an athlete and the changes or challenges you may experience while breastfeeding and breast pumping. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/02/24
Between all the feeding sessions, diaper changes and general exhaustion of early motherhood, sometimes you barely have time to sit down for a meal – let alone stop and take a hard look at the nutritious value of what you’re about to put in your mouth. What are some simple steps you can take to eat healthier during this busy season of life? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 08/01/24
As parents, how do you know if your child is maintaining a healthy weight? How to do strike the balance eating foods that are nutritious versus foods that are convenient? And how much does exercise play a role? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices>
Published 07/31/24
Going out in public with your twins in tow can be quite a challenge. Not to mention all the unsolicited comments from well-meaning strangers. What are some of the common questions asked? What's the best way to respond to them? And when it comes to really personal topics, such as IVF or other fertility options, how do you handle the situation gracefully without divulging too much information? Plus, what to do when people start asking your twins questions and bypass you altogether. Learn more...
Published 07/30/24