The growing body of research on sleep demonstrates the absolute necessity of sleep for every biological function. This includes learning, memory, brain function, mental health, appetite regulation, immune system function, metabolic function, gut microbiome health, and even cardiovascular health. It is well-established in the scientific literature that sleep is critical for all aspects of health, especially during pregnancy. Humans are the only species who will deliberately deprive themselves...
Published 11/05/23
Your body must go through a lot of work to birth a baby. During labor, nerves send messages to your spinal cord and brain, and your brain interprets those signals into the feeling of pain. The good news is that you can access many pain relief options during labor as long as you know what those options are. The more tools you have available in your labor toolbox, the better you can manage contractions and confidently navigate your labor. Explore all of your pain management options for labor,...
Published 10/22/23
An intervention is any action taken to alter the course of your labor or birth. Modern medicine is amazing, and there is no doubt that interventions have saved the lives of both mothers and babies. Although many interventions are routine, there is no one-size-fits-all. Your job is to make informed decisions based on what is best for you and your baby. Just because something is routine or suggested does not mean it is mandatory or the right choice for you. You always have options as long as...
Published 10/15/23
Staying hydrated is crucial to help your overall health. Water makes up around 60% of your total body weight, and every cell needs water to function. Staying hydrated enables you to regulate body temperature, aids in digestion, transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste. These processes are also crucial during pregnancy for your baby, and you have increased water requirements when pregnant. Plus, if you are not drinking enough water, you can...
Published 10/08/23
This episode examines your care team during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Your primary care provider is the cornerstone of your prenatal care and birth experience. In addition to your doctor or midwife, many other practitioners can play a role in your care. This article will help you understand each professional's role in your care, differentiate between professional certifications, and navigate working with these specialists.     Thank you to our sponsors   Zahler goes above and...
Published 10/01/23
Your pregnancy journey starts with a positive pregnancy test. That is the first of many tests offered throughout your prenatal care. Some tests diagnose conditions you may have during pregnancy, and others look for genetic abnormalities in your baby. Results from some tests may even impact your birth. Tests are valuable tools but can also create anxiety and stress during pregnancy. This episode is a guide to your prenatal testing options with tips to understand and navigate tests for you and...
Published 09/24/23
Think about everything you put on your skin and hair, from when you step in the shower to when you step out your front door. We use a ton of products every single day: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream, lotions, face wash, toner, moisturizer, deodorant, sunscreen, makeup, and hair products. All those products you use add up to a very long list of chemicals you introduce to your body. Pregnancy is a period during which you want to be cautious about the chemicals you expose...
Published 09/17/23
A doula is a professional trained in childbirth who provides emotional, physical, and educational support to a mother and her birth partner during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. They do not have any formal medical training and do not perform any medical procedures. There are doulas that specialize in every type of birth, from home birth to a planned cesarean at a hospital. There is substantial growing evidence on how doulas positively impact births. But do you need a doula? With the...
Published 09/10/23
If you have a dog, you may be wondering what you should be doing during pregnancy to get your dog ready for your baby on the way. The good news is there are simple steps you can take to prepare your dog for a harmonious transition when your baby arrives. Learn how to focus on positive attention and avoid negative reinforcement to modify your dog’s behavior, not just suppress it. This episode/article covers everything from dog behaviors to work on while pregnant to introducing your dog to your...
Published 09/03/23
Even if you plan to breastfeed exclusively, there is value in learning about bottles and formula if you decide or need to incorporate them to feed your baby at some point. You will use a bottle to feed your baby if you pump breast milk. If you stop breastfeeding before your baby’s first birthday, you must supplement with formula. You have many options for bottles and formula, and choosing the best fit for you and your baby can be challenging. This episode is your comprehensive guide to bottle...
Published 08/27/23
Breast milk is liquid gold. It is so valuable and amazing that scientists cannot reproduce it in a lab, and only you can make it. Your body perfectly formulates your milk for your baby, and pumping allows you to provide milk even when you are not there. This episode covers the fundamentals of pumping breastmilk to meet your goals, whether an occasional pumping session or building a serious freezer stash. If you plan to return to work after maternity leave, this episode walks...
Published 08/20/23
Your newborn is hard-wired to breastfeed and is born with instincts to help them latch right after birth. Despite these instincts, breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally or go perfectly right from the start. In reality, breastfeeding can take practice and patience as you and your baby navigate your nursing relationship. Many issues can come up during breastfeeding in the first few days and even months down the road. The more you know about the small speed bumps you could run into, the...
Published 08/13/23
A lot of moms expect breastfeeding to come naturally, and that is not the case for many new mothers. Despite all the evidence supporting breastfeeding, most parents supplement or switch to infant formula within the first year. Educating yourself about the basics of breastfeeding is a fantastic way to prepare to reach your breastfeeding goals. This episode covers the basics you should know about breastfeeding and the knowledge and tools to make breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable. ...
Published 08/06/23
You will have many opportunities to opt in or out of interventions in your pregnancy, birth, or with your newborn. You always have options when it comes to your prenatal care and birth as long as you know what your options are. In a perfect world, every procedure comes with informed consent, and you have all the information you need to make an informed decision confidently. In the real world, constraints like limited appointment time make proper informed consent a challenge. There are five...
Published 07/23/23
Your doctor or midwife is your trusted partner and has the education and experience to guide you through all the intricacies of pregnancy and birth. You can expect to have somewhere around 14 appointments throughout your entire pregnancy. The limited time you spend with your doctor or midwife will shape the tests you take, the procedures your care provider performs, and your preparation for birth. It is essential to know that you are in complete control over what happens and what procedures...
Published 07/16/23
Vitamin D is sometimes referred to as a hormone because the activated forms are hormones. You utilize this essential vitamin in nearly all parts of your body. Vitamin D is crucial for absorbing other nutrients like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc. Vitamin D also regulates immune function, cell growth, neuromuscular function and affects thousands of genes. Your baby relies on you to supply adequate vitamin D to support their growth and development during pregnancy. Despite the...
Published 07/09/23
If you enjoy the water, you don’t have to give it up when you are pregnant. Enjoying the water can be a great workout, relaxing, and even therapeutic. Along with the benefits, there are also risks you need to be mindful of to keep you and your baby safe. This episode examines the evidence on the benefits and risks of enjoying the water during pregnancy including swimming, pools, hot tubs, baths, and float spas.   Thank you to our sponsors   Zahler goes above and beyond to use high-quality...
Published 07/02/23
When you have made it through most of your pregnancy and are in the final stretch, you enter the waiting game of waiting to go into labor. This can be nerve-racking for two reasons. First, you do not know when you will go into labor. Second, you may not know how to tell that you genuinely have started labor and that it isn’t just a false alarm. There is a typical path that all labor follows, but the signs of labor, when they happen, and how you experience them will be unique. This...
Published 06/25/23
Finding out that you will be a parent is super exciting but can also be intimidating, especially for dads and partners. Most of what people know about having a baby is from movies or what they have heard from friends. That will not adequately prepare you for what is ahead. Understanding pregnancy, birth, and birth recovery basics will significantly impact your ability to support mom. Most importantly, you will be better equipped to navigate pregnancy, labor, and being a new parent....
Published 06/18/23
Whatever your long-term goals for weight or health, you have one priority when you are pregnant – to ensure you and your baby are healthy. What you eat plays a significant role in this. While a lot of research is available, there is no definitive evidence to support one ideal diet for everyone. There are many varying opinions on diet, and nutrition is very individualized. This episode overviews popular diets and considerations for continuing or starting these diets during pregnancy. Learn...
Published 06/11/23
As soon as most expecting mothers hear the words postpartum depression, they tune out and skip over this topic. If you have never experienced depression, it is the last thing you think you need to know about, especially at a time in your life when you expect to be the happiest. Baby blues and postpartum depression are a complication of birth. The baby blues are estimated to occur in about 50% or more of women. Some studies show an even higher prevalence at nearly 80%. One in seven mothers...
Published 06/04/23
The sun emits UV radiation which comes with both evidence-based benefits and risks. On a positive note, UVB light allows your body to make vitamin D. The downside of UV light exposure is that it damages the DNA in your skin cells, increasing your risks for skin cancers and accelerating the effects of aging. During pregnancy, some changes to your skin create additional considerations for sun exposure. This episode/article has tips for sun safety so you can maximize the benefits of sunshine...
Published 05/28/23
We all deal with some level of stress daily. Pregnancy can be a time of additional stress as you are experiencing many physical changes and preparing for birth and a new baby. In a sense, everything you expose yourself to during pregnancy also can affect your baby, and stress is not an exception. Stress during pregnancy can affect your baby in many ways. Physiological changes can impact your developing baby. Stress that puts you at a higher risk for some complications can affect the health...
Published 05/21/23
There are tremendous physical demands during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding. Motherhood is also incredibly mentally and emotionally demanding. You can do so much to prepare for being a parent. You can stock up on supplies for your baby, plan for maternity leave and your return to work, and learn about breastfeeding. These tasks are all necessary, but none will mentally prepare you to be a mother. A significant component of mentally preparing for motherhood is knowing what to...
Published 05/14/23
Finding out you are pregnant is one of the most exciting times of your life but can also be overwhelming. There are endless choices, and every decision seems critical when you are responsible for growing, birthing, and caring for a baby. Many decisions require additional inputs like information, research, or expert opinions. Even the most minor decisions can seem significant given the high stakes of growing, birthing, and raising a human. Getting caught up in constant decision-making is easy,...
Published 05/07/23