In this episode, you’ll learn Opes’ top 5 places to invest in the country and the reasons why we’ve picked them. After all, picking the right city to invest in is just as important (if not more) than picking the right property. And click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 12/21/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what tools are available to help you work out where the flood plains are. You’ll also learn what risk this poses to your property, and how to reduce flood risk when property hunting. And click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 12/14/23
In this episode, you’ll learn why the affordable 2-bedroom townhouses, is one of the most common investment properties. You’ll also learn some of the pros and cons that go alongside this type of property, and whether it’s the right fit for your portfolio.  And click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 12/07/23
In this episode, you’ll learn the pros to hiring a property manager versus self managing. Many property investors initially see a property manager as an additional expense. While this is true, there are some additional benefits that may make that fee worth it. And click ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 11/30/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how 'Buy Now, Pay Later' services like Afterpay and Laybuy can stop you from buying property. Buy you’ll also learn how to reverse their effects before submitting your mortgage application. And click ⁠⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 11/23/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what can slow down the process for getting a tenant. Every new property investor wants to know how long it’ll take to find a tenant. But, of course, how quickly your specific property rents depends on several factors. And click ⁠⁠⁠here⁠⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 11/16/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what to do if your property falls in value during construction. This scenario doesn’t often play out, but it can happen. No, this doesn’t mean that you’ve made a bad investment decision. But you need to know what could go wrong so you’re not blindsided when the (un)expected happens. And click ⁠⁠here⁠⁠ to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 11/09/23
In this episode, you’ll learn the 8 things you must remember to tell your mortgage broker. It’s not because they’re nosey, but because they need to have a full picture of your financial situation. This means everything you are committed to now, and in the future. Sure, we’re all human and sometimes people forget, or don’t know what to include. But non-disclosure can be hard to come back from, if the bank thinks you are trying to deceive them. And click ⁠here⁠ to see all the charts and...
Published 11/02/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what the Healthy Homes Standards are, and why it can be a $4000 mistake not to comply. These standards are specific and strict. Even if your property was built yesterday – and meets the building code – it may still fail. You’ll also learn the most common areas that fail, and how to most cost effectively fix them.  And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 10/26/23
In this episode, you’ll learn the difference in price and rent between a property with a garage, a carpark, or neither. This is a really important and common discussion for investors. Why? Because when you're New Build shopping – the car parking situation is often different. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 10/19/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how to fund your retirement using property to generate a passive income. This is the more desirable of the 2 options available to investors. That’s because the income you create is infinite – which means you could *technically* live forever. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 10/12/23
If you’re planning to buy a New Build property, you’ll find yourself navigating one of two contracts: Progressive Payments Turnkey Like everything else, each contract has its own pros and cons. In the end, what’s best for your situation will ultimately decide which one you go for. In this article we’ll outline the 5 key differences between turnkey and progressive contracts, so you can decide which approach is best for you. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the...
Published 10/05/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how debt-to-income ratios will affect property investors and the property market. This is important, because The Reserve Bank will likely introduce DTIs within the next 12 months or so. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 09/28/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how property investors can use split banking to buy more property. It’s no secret, we’re big fans of split banking – or as we’ve called it in the past “cheating on your bank” or “polybankery”. It works especially well for investors who put their money in New Builds. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 09/21/23
In this episode, you'll learn 7 strategies to manage a higher-than-normal cashflow. Most of the time, investors are comfortable knowing the rental income won’t cover all the costs required to hold onto a property. But, as interest rates rise, these top ups are increasing. And some will find these higher top-ups a stretch. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 09/14/23
In this episode, you’ll learn the 3 ways investors can minimise the amount of tax they pay, in the real world. Tax minimisation is not about pilfering from the tax man. It's simply about not paying any more tax than you need to. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 09/07/23
In this episode, you’ll learn everything you need to know about contracts a.k.a. the sale and purchase agreement. This is important because signing the contract is often the very first step a potential investor takes when interested in purchasing a new-build property. This happens even before due diligence has begun. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 08/31/23
In this episode, you’ll learn 4 ways to get out of your build contract … while it’s still being built. Maybe your family has welcomed a baby, or maybe you’ve been made redundant. Or maybe, you’ve changed your mind about the property’s place in your portfolio. Either way, sometimes life happens and you need to sell your property. Here's how you do it.  And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 08/24/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how cross leases used to be a quick-and-easy shortcut to subdividing a property. Nowadays, they are – somewhat ironically – notorious for issues, require a lot of paperwork, and can devalue your property. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 08/17/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how much deposit you need to buy an investment property. Particularly, you’ll learn LVRs change deposit amounts, depending on what sort of property you are buying. You’ll also learn how you can use your own home to source your deposit. Essentially, this means you can invest in property without needing any cash upfront. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 08/10/23
In this episode, you’ll learn how to conduct a thorough pre-settlement inspection (if you choose to go it alone). You’ll learn, there’s a lot more to it than just rocking up to your property, checking it’s built, and calling it a day. And you might have to bring a hairdryer. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 08/03/23
In this episode, you’ll learn whether the number of bedrooms in a property can impact capital gain. This is by looking at CoreLogic data from the last 20 years, in 4 of our bigger cities. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 07/27/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what a chattel is and the reasons why you should get a chattel valuation. Sometimes, investors see these valuations as “just another cost”. But you’ll also learn how a chattel valuation can save you up to $15,000 in tax over the next 15 years. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 07/20/23
In this episode, you’ll learn what a property manager does and how much their services will cost you. Dealing with tenants is a full-time job, a job most investors don’t have the spare time for. However, hiring a property manager does come at a cost. So, it’s important to know what you’re paying for. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 07/13/23
In this episode, you’ll learn exactly what is included in a Master Build guarantee and how it might not be the be-all, end-all “insurance policy” you might think it is. You’ll also learn some alternative covers. And click here to see all the charts and other info in the written article on the Opes website.
Published 07/06/23