In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on "Prayer Series", under which he expounds on the following: - Mastering Prayer -7 Areas To Master In Prayer - How To Deal With Distraction In Prayer - The Realms Of Prayer Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 10/17/24
In this episode, prophet begins a new series on prayer where he shares in-depth revelations. Kindly listen and be blessed .
Published 09/29/24
In this episode, prophet continues to expound on the power of the mind under which he teaches on the following : - The 4 main areas The devil attacks the Christian in spiritual warfare -Why Satan attacks your body Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 09/22/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on " Miracles Through Fasting And Prayer ," under which he teaches on the purpose of fasting . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 09/22/24
In this episode, prophet introduces his teaching on "Miracles Through Fasting And Prayer," under which he expounds on fasting and how important it is to the growth of every believer. Kindly and be blessed
Published 09/22/24
In this episode, prophet introduces the teaching "The Power Of The Mind " where he teaches on the following : -Man as a tripartite being -3 Parts of man's essence that play a crucial role in man's Christian's journey - Things you need to understand about your mind Kindly listen and blessed
Published 09/16/24
Published 09/08/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on understanding deliverance under which he continues to expound on how important it is for one to understand deliverance . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 09/01/24
In this episode, still under the 7 things that the cross symbolizes prophet teaches about the 4 Kinds of death : 1. Spiritual Death 2. Physical Death 3. Eternal Death 4. Death to self where he heavily expounds on death to self. Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 09/01/24
In this episode prophet introduces us to the 5 ingredients that make up an anointed life under which he teaches on the first ingredient, Death to self. He also teaches on the 7 things that the cross symbolizes
Published 08/25/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on understanding deliverance, where he expounds on the following : -Divine Facts About The Demonic Domain - Provisions That Empower Demons Kindly listen and be blessed.
Published 08/25/24
In this episode, prophet exposes us to truths about deliverance under which he teaches on the kinds of deliverance
Published 08/18/24
In this episode, prophet teaches on 10 things that make an extraordinary Christian. Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 08/18/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on The Believer's Authority under which he expounds on the following: - Four Kinds of Appetite -Seven Areas The Devil Seeks To Attack -Areas -How Authority can Be Exercised -Three Agents Of Authority Kindly listen and be blessed.
Published 08/11/24
In this episode Prophet heavily expounds on anointing under which he defines and explains what anointing is and the 3 Dimensions Of Anointing. Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 08/04/24
In this episode, prophet begins by sharing 7 areas where the devil seeks to attack in the lives of believers after which continues his teaching on the believers authority where he continues to elaborate on the authority the believer has in Christ . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 08/03/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on God's Generals Where he expounds on the "Giver" and the "Soul winner" Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 08/02/24
In this episode, , prophet teaches extensively on the authorities believers have in Christ . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/25/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on God's Generals where he continues to expound on the "Intercessor" Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/25/24
In this episode, prophet continues his teaching on God's Generals where he expounds on the intercessor . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/17/24
In this episode, prophet teaches on the following: -Anatomy Of Effective Prayer - Why The Prayers Of Christians Are Hindered Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/17/24
In this episode, prophet teaches and expounds heavily on the mercy of God . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/09/24
In this episode, prophet teaches extensively on the 3 kinds of believers that are considered as generals in the kingdom of God . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 07/09/24
In this episode, prophet teaches on "Dancing" and " Praying" as the 13th and 14th protocols to be observed in the sanctuary . Kindly listen and be blessed
Published 06/27/24