Self-promotion. Does the very thought leave you feeling a little arrogant or uncomfortable? Does it make you feel like a taker? You’re not alone, and that is a huge stumbling block to greater success. What if you could change that by creating a win-win situation where you get what you want while helping others get […] The post Prosper Now! – The Confidence To Promote You appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 11/04/13
Self-promotion. Does the very thought leave you feeling a little arrogant or uncomfortable? Does it make you feel like a taker? You're not alone, and that is a huge stumbling block to greater success. What if you could change that by creating a win-win situation where you get what you want while helping others get what they want at the same time? I called in the big guns to tackle this topic today. Jim Padilla (http://www.jimpadilla.com)is a high school basketball coach and the senior coach...
Published 11/04/13
Could actually writing that story or book that’s been rattling around inside of you make a difference in your career and your life? Could it be the start of something amazing, making you the sought after expert? Have you ever wanted to see your book made into a movie? That may all sound like a […] The post Prosper Now! – Bringing Your Book to Life appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/28/13
Could actually writing that story or book that's been rattling around inside of you make a difference in your career and your life? Could it be the start of something amazing, making you the sought after expert? Have you ever wanted to see your book made into a movie? That may all sound like a pipe dream, but Robert Hammond, author of The Light, turned that dream into a reality, and he joins me today to tell you how he went from being down and out to being a sought after expert to having one...
Published 10/28/13
Getting tired of the dog eat dog world? Maybe you’ve noticed that you feel crappy inside when you use that broken philosophy. It’s tough to succeed when you’re doing and believing things that just don’t sit well with your conscience. But that’s life in the real world, right? What if it doesn’t have to be […] The post Prosper Now! – Success Freaks Are Us appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/21/13
Getting tired of the dog eat dog world? Maybe you've noticed that you feel crappy inside when you use that broken philosophy. It's tough to succeed when you're doing and believing things that just don't sit well with your conscience. But that's life in the real world, right? What if it doesn't have to be that way? What if you could be an amazing human being and succeed while getting your HOBA on? And what the bleep is a HOBA? It's the brainchild of Charles McFall...
Published 10/21/13
Ever been going on down the road of life and had some disaster or other completely knock you on your butt? You feel like you’ve been hit by a truck and you wonder what on earth you did to deserve this. Kit Summers, author of Your Brain, second book in his Beyond Your Potential series, […] The post Prosper Now! – When You’re Hit by a Truck… appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/14/13
Ever been going on down the road of life and had some disaster or other completely knock you on your butt? You feel like you've been hit by a truck and you wonder what on earth you did to deserve this. Kit Summers, author of Your Brain, second book in his Beyond Your Potential series, knows exactly how you feel. He, too, has been hit by that truck - only in his case, it literally was a truck. We're going to talk about how to weather those tough places in life. And you just might discover it's...
Published 10/14/13
Wondering how to figure out solutions to your problems and ways to make your dreams a reality? It’s really simple. It’s Just 2 Choices, says former F-16 and current airline pilot Rico Racosky. Just 2 Choices is the book he wrote that really clarifies his easy process for solving your problems and making your life […] The post Prosper Now! – Caught on the hamster wheel of indecision? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 10/07/13
Wondering how to figure out solutions to your problems and ways to make your dreams a reality? It's really simple. It’s Just 2 Choices, says former F-16 and current airline pilot Rico Racosky. Just 2 Choices is the book he wrote that really clarifies his easy process for solving your problems and making your life so much easier. Join us to find out how to feel better, decide quicker and live happier starting right now! Rico Racosky Link to: www.just2choices.com...
Published 10/07/13
We all know that we need various investments in our portfolios. We’ve heard that gold is a great investment. But how do you do it safely? How do you step into the metals market and not wind up dealing with a boiler room as I did a few years ago, and wind up losing your […] The post Prosper Now! – Diversify, diversify, diversify. appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 09/30/13
We all know that we need various investments in our portfolios. We've heard that gold is a great investment. But how do you do it safely? How do you step into the metals market and not wind up dealing with a boiler room as I did a few years ago, and wind up losing your investment? Frank Miller (http://www.americanbullion.com)of American Bullion is here to help us navigate this exciting world of investing in gold. Join us to find out how you can safeguard your finances and future with...
Published 09/30/13
If you haven’t been blessed with a mind that is naturally organized, or been taught the skills to be organized, many of us struggle along each day with this nagging panic below the surface. But David Allen, author of Getting Things Done, says it doesn’t have to be that way. He has a fantastic system […] The post Prosper Now! – There are amazing creatures out there who have an incredible ability to keep everything in its place and organized. They breeze through their days knowing exactly...
Published 09/23/13
If you haven't been blessed with a mind that is naturally organized, or been taught the skills to be organized, many of us struggle along each day with this nagging panic below the surface. But David Allen (http://www.davidco.com), author of Getting Things Done, (http://www.davidco.com) says it doesn't have to be that way. He has a fantastic system for freeing your mind and your life and he's here to share it today.
Published 09/23/13
You’ve got gifts and knowledge to share, but you just don’t know where to start? Maybe you’re out of work and need a way to showcase what you can do. Perhaps you’re retired – why let all this wisdom rust away? The world needs what you have to share and you need a place to […] The post Prosper Now! – Got Talent? Get Microteachings! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
Published 09/16/13
You've got gifts and knowledge to share, but you just don't know where to start? Maybe you're out of work and need a way to showcase what you can do. Perhaps you're retired - why let all this wisdom rust away? The world needs what you have to share and you need a place to share it. Enter Curtis Williams and Microteachings.com. Curtis has developed a platform that you can use to teach, hone your presentation skills, and get paid as an expert. Join us to discover how Curtis Williams' new take...
Published 09/16/13
Mark Satterfield, owner of Gentle Rain Marketing, joins us to show you and me how to have influence through the use of unique sales stories. This is a valuable tool you can pull out whenever you need to persuade or put your point across and influence the outcome - at work or at home! You'll also get a chance for a free copy of Mark's excellent book, Unique Sales Stories! Mark Satterfield Link to: www.gentlerainmarketing.com (http://www.gentlerainmarketing.com) Unique Sales Stories Link to:...
Published 09/09/13
Greta Sesheta (http://www.revgreta.com)has walked this road as well. She's an actress, minister and university educator and creator of Calling in the Circle: Peace and Power Through Prayer and Meditation (http://revgreta.com/store/#sthash.71urmMtO.dpuf), and she's suffered from debilitating anxiety in the past. Join us to find out how you can increase your joy and freedom by nipping anxiety in the bud before it gets out of hand.
Published 08/19/13
  You know you need to take better care of yourself. You know you need to workout. But honestly, there's so much going on. Your to do list is massive, you've got family and commitments and work and errands and and and and. But we're not getting any younger, and if we want to maintain some modicum of health, we've got to get into shape. We know it will make our life so much better, but how the blazes do you fit this in? Alana and Rickard Newman have faced the same issues that you and I have,...
Published 08/12/13
I'm sure you have life insurance, disability insurance, home insurance, car insurance…but what about happiness insurance? I thought that was odd when I first heard it, but then it hit home. Why do we spend so much focused on many things we may never need, but don't invest in our own happiness? Rami Lazarescu is with us today to talk about how we can actually plan for the things that really matter in life. Find out how you can create memories and happiness for yourself and your family even on...
Published 08/05/13
It's said that stress is the silent killer - but what's behind it? What is often the root cause? Fear. Not necessarily the gut clenching, stomach twisting, clammy palms and dry mouth variety, but the underground fear that we've become so accustomed to that we don't even realize it's there anymore. But it's still deadly even if it's silent. We'll always have to deal with fear in one way or another, but Mai Calev is going to show us how to handle fear in ways that will make it work for us, not...
Published 07/29/13
You've got the tech skills, but without this crucial piece you could still be left by the wayside. The best programmer on the planet will be passed over for someone who can not just make the computer sing and dance, but can also effectively communicate with those around them. Eric Culverson (http://www.ericculverson.com) is not only an engineer and recovering nerd. He's also a stand up comic and the author of The Competence Myth: Why Your Technical Skills Are No Longer Enough and What You...
Published 07/22/13
We've all been taught to play nice in the sandbox of life. Be kind. Talk nice. Flush. Share. But somewhere along the way, we lost sight of a crucial element to success - balanced selfishness. Those of us who have given till we're ready to drop desperately need the message Jenenne Macklin (http://www.jenennemacklin.com)is joining me with today. She's a coach, speaker and author of the book Let's Get You Happy First - 4 Steps to Get You to Your Happy....
Published 07/15/13
You may be a high school dropout or concerned about your kid who's headed that way, wondering if there's hope for the future. Maybe you feel physically unable to accomplish your dreams and goals. Would it help you to know that you're not alone in this, and you could actually use those things to your advantage in the workplace and in service of your dreams and goals? Edwin Sprague (http://www.getballzee.com) has been there, done that, and accomplished great things in spite of all the...
Published 07/08/13
Yeah, you read that right. Amazon Head hunters taught today's guest how to be a better person and have great leadership skills! Dr. Joni Carley (http://www.leaderfuledge.com)has travelled the world to learn how different cultures address leadership issues, she's addressed the UN, written a couple of books including Stepping Stones to Success (http://www.leaderfuledge.com/offerings-books-a-more/books-by-dr-joni-carley/stepping-stones-to-success.html), and now she's bringing that plethora of...
Published 06/24/13