Opening Bible verse: John 3:16-18
Jesus did not die on the cross to condemn us, He died on the cross to set us free. Yet, how many of you allow your wardrobe to keep you back from enjoying that freedom? Do you wake up each morning to a wardrobe fit for the woman God created you to be? Or do you wake up to a wardrobe of a woman who lives without faith? Is it the wardrobe of a woman without complete trust in God's plan for her life?
Girl, step into the light! He did not hang on that cross so you could beat yourself up over a college sweatshirt or a pair of jeans that no longer fit. He hung on that cross so you could be free.
In today's episode, I talk about the connection between your fear of decluttering your wardrobe and the relationship you have with God.
As a professional declutter coach, I work with the homeowner to declutter her home. If it is a whole home project, I persuade the woman to begin in the wardrobe. At the end of our time together I hear things like, "that was so fun", "I thought that would be so much harder", "why did I wait so long to do this?" She has stepped into the light. She has faith that she has plenty of items to wear. She has a wardrobe filled with items that fit, flatter, and make her feel fabulous. She is ready to be the woman God is calling her to be.
Please join the private Facebook group linked below to join the community of like-minded women on a journey of decluttering their lives so they are free to be who God has called them to be
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If you would like to reach me for 1:1 coaching, please email me at:
[email protected]