After successfully rescuing the Matribell and her betrothed thanks to Misery's expertise. The Captains have another look over the Dossier and have a chat about the important people to watch out for. They leave to go where the Dr. Jedidiah Fittz was last seen.
CW: Murder Mention, Family Drama, blood, torture mention,
Our Captains have had a MONTH of time pass so let's catch up with them. See what is going on before they move onto their next mission.
CW: References to guns, Complex and Complicated relationships, mentions of drug use, Fire and sticking hands into fire
Published 10/18/24
Our Captains return home from their missions for some time to relax and recoup before the next mission.
CW: Complex and Complicatied relationships, discussion of romantic feelings
Published 10/15/24