1. Pleased To Meet You
LGBTQ is quite a handful of letters, yet it represents at least 9 million people in the US alone, and that was as of 2011. There are certainly millions more people under the rainbow flag in the world today, and millions more being born every year. Yet straight, cisgender people tend to know very little about what LGBTQ folks go through every day. And that’s where Queer Studies begins. This show seeks to educate straight/cisgender folks about how to be good allies to the LGBTQ community. People tend to fear what they don’t understand, but once you understand someone, it is very hard to be afraid of that person, and that is our goal. To reduce fear through knowledge. To show that LGBTQ people are just that…people. We all do the same goofy stuff, it’s just that some of us do that stuff in a slightly different way, and there is no need to be afraid of each other just because of who we love, or what gender (or lack thereof) we feel ourselves to be. We can’t promise that this show will always be easy to hear; sadly there is a lot of hate and fear that has to be addressed, but we can promise that our goal will always be to bring the straight/cis community and the LGBTQ community together through understanding, tolerance, and love.