Greg Ellis reads Coming Together to Honor a Dead Rock Star-And Ward Off Our Demons, Neil Gray's essay about the suicide of Scott Hutchinson of Frightened Rabbit. It was published in Quillette on 21st July 2019.
Published 09/12/19
Greg Ellis reads How Due Process Fell Victim to Good Intentions: A Veteran Court Reporter Looks Back, Christie Blatchford's essay about how due process has been eroded by the insistence that we should believe victims.
Published 09/04/19
Greg Ellis reads Age of Amnesia, Joel Kotkin's essay on how the West is in danger of forgetting its own history.
Published 08/30/19
Greg Ellis reads What They Don't Teach You at the University of Washington's Ed School, Nick Wilson's account of spending a year at what turned out to be Neo-Marxist madrasa
Published 08/23/19
Greg Ellis reads Milan Kundera Warned Us About Historical Amnesia. Now It's Happening Again, Ewan Morrison's essay celebrating the 90th birthday of the Czech novelist.
Published 08/14/19
Greg Ellis reads The Children of the Revolution, James David Banker's essay about China's cultural revolution.
Published 08/07/19
Greg Ellis read's Ideology and Facts Collide at Oberlin College, Daniel McGraw's essay on the legal dispute between a bakery and the liberal arts college that ended with a $33 million payout to the small business.
Published 07/31/19
Toby Young reads his essay on Boris Johnson, Britain's new Prime Minister. Toby first met Boris at Oxford 36 years ago.
Published 07/29/19
Greg Ellis reads Watching My Own Excommunication-on a Facebook Video, Sky Gilbert's essay about being expelled from a theater company that he founded for being insufficiently woke.
Published 07/25/19
Greg Ellis reads Immigration Policy and the Rise of Anti-Democratic Liberalism-the Case of Israel, Gadi Taub's essay about how Israel is struggling to cope with a rising tide of illegal immigration.
Published 07/17/19
Greg Ellis reads A MeToo Mob Tried to Destroy My Life as a Poet, Joseph Massey's harrowing account of being targeted by a Social Justice outrage mob.
Published 07/12/19
Greg Ellis reads Divorce and the 'Silver Bullet,' James C. Coren's essay about the lies that couples tell when their marriages end in order to obtain custody of their children.
Published 07/04/19
Greg Ellis reads Reparations and Ta-Nehisi Coates's Pyrrhic Victory, Coleman Hughes's essay about how the cause of reparations got taken up by the front-runners for the Democratic Presidential nomination, thereby proving America isn't as racist as Coates claims.
Published 06/28/19
Greg Ellis reads How a Rebellious Scientist Uncovered the Surprising Truth About Stereotypes, Claire Lehmann's article about Lee Jussim, the maverick social psychologist who discovered that stereotypes accurately predict academic achievement, personality and behaviour.
Published 06/21/19
Greg Ellis reads Unpacking Peggy McIntosh's Knapsack, William Ray's critical essay about McIntosh's seminal 1989 paper that popularised the concept of 'white privilege.'
Published 06/14/19
Greg Ellis reads The New Evolution Deniers, Colin Wright's essay about how the denial of evolutionary biology has migrated from the Christian Right to the secular Left. It was published in Quillette on 30th November 2018.
Published 06/06/19
Greg Ellis reads When Censorship is Crowdsourced, Jonathan Kay's essay about the threat to free speech posed by outrage mobs on social media. It was published in Quillette on 9th September 2018.
Published 05/30/19
Greg Ellis reads The Psychology of Progressive Hostility, Matthew Blackwell's essay about why progressives are more hostile than conservatives when their beliefs are challenged.
Published 05/23/19
Greg Ellis reads Sad Radicals, Conor Barnes's essay about how the pathologies that characterised his small anarchist sect have gone mainstream.
Published 05/16/19
Greg Ellis reads I Was the Mob Until the Mob Came for Me, Barrett Wilson's essay about how he went from being a respected academic and social justice crusader to driving a food delivery truck after being targeted by #MeToo activists on Twitter
Published 05/08/19
Greg Ellis reads The High Price of Stale Grievances, Coleman Hughes's essay about whether the historic injustices suffered by African-Americans is a good reason for holding them to different standards than Americans of European ancestry
Published 05/02/19
Greg Ellis reads Confessions of a 'Soulless Troglodyte', Lester Berg's account of his estrangement from the New York literary community following the election of Donald Trump
Published 04/27/19
Greg Ellis reads PewDiePie's Battle for the Soul of the Internet, Allen Farrington's defence of the world's most popular YouTuber. It was published on 20th December 2018.
Published 04/18/19
Greg Ellis reads The Public Humiliation Diet, Toby Young's account of losing five positions after being targeted by a Twitter outrage mob at the beginning of 2018. It was published on 23rd July 2018.
Published 04/12/19