Dear listeners
We are in sura 44 Aldukaan, the day of smoke, day of judgment. الدخان
(We have made this Quran easy to understand)
This Quran is sent down to us on a blessed night ليله القدر the power night.
This Quran makes things clear. A life manual. So use it daily.
Allah says:
Published 11/28/24
Dear listeners we are in sura 45 Aljatheyah Kneeling الجاثيه ( which means the bowing down to God on the day of judgment).
This sura is one of 7 that start with HM haa meem.
It also starts and ends with God’s names ;
The mighty The Wise
Alazeez Alhakeem
العزيز الحكيم
Everything you see is a...
Published 11/21/24
All praise due to Allah.
Thank you Allah for All ur blessings , tranquility, peace , wisdom , love.
The voice is by Ahmad Alshegeri from YouTube.
Peace 💖
Published 11/17/24