Connecting stepmoms along their journey.
I truly appreciate Christina’s mission to connect stepmoms on this journey that unites us which is not an easy one. I love her transparency into stepmothering, something not talked about enough. I grew up with a stepmom and became a stepmom myself over ten years ago and I wish I had this community back then. Thank you!
Renee Bolla via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/14/24
More reviews of Radical Stepmoms
They don’t know it, but this is my new crew now. We’re forever friends! ;) Seriously though, as a new stepmom without many stepmom friends, this podcast has been my saving grace! Somehow these incredible women are not only able to put all my complex feelings into words, but they help normalize...Read full review »
Elops Saurus via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/16/20
Since I’m also dealing with a HCBM, this podcast has been like hearing my own stories! It’s good to feel like there are other stepmoms out there who are simply loving their stepkids as their own and just doing their best while navigating this crazy journey as a stepmom. Love the laughs this gives...Read full review »
crabbyrangoons via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 03/27/21
This podcast has been an amazing escape, they get what my life is like cause they are living it. Highly recommend!!
Skmartinez via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 05/04/20
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