Radio Free Disneyland is a curated music podcast that tells the stories of the Disneyland Resort in a unique and tuneful way. Using Disney music, not-so-Disney music, and definitely-not-Disney music to tell the stories of the “lands,” their origins, and their citizenry. Real and imagined. Usually with a backbeat.
Act 1 Show Notes:
Show Opening Sound Logo (Audio Montage)
Recording: Overture: M. Gustave H
Artist: Alexandre Desplat
Album: Grand Budapest Hotel Original Sountrack
Recording: 852
Artist: The Cellar & Point
Album: Ambit
Thanks to these fine artists for setting the tone of the Podcast. Discover their music via the buttons.
Intercepted Transmission 7/17/55 (Audio Montage)
Recording: Hall of Trade Unions, Moscow
Artist: Thomas Newman
Album: Bridge of Spies Soundtrack (2015)
Recording: Dedication of Disneyland
Artist: Walt Disney
Album: The Legacy Collection-Disneyland
I Can’t Live Without My Radio
Recording: I Can’t Live Without My Radio
Artist: Halloween Alaska
Album: Too Tall To Hide
A smooth and soulful cover of the LL Cool J’s Hip Hop anthem. Halloween Alaska is a Minnesota-based band consisting of James Diers, Jake Hanson, Bill Shaw, and David King. All of the group’s members live in the Twin Cities.
Radio Nowhere
Recording: Radio Nowhere
Artist: Bruce Springsteen
Album: The Essential Bruce Springsteen
Various Static (Audio Montage)
Contains excerpts of Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress,
Toni Basil’s “Mickey” in Spanish, Rocky and Bullwinkle,
and the battle cry of the 1960s iconic Los Angeles radio 93-KHJ.
Boss Radio’s iconic non-sequitur “Tina Delgado is alive, alive!” was the invention of DJ “The Real Don Steel.”
This cut also contains Artisanal Radio Static.
Dispatch from Radio Free Disneyland is a series of music playlists, pertaining mostly to the culture, stories, and environments presented in Disney Films and Theme Parks. It is not associated with The Walt Disney Company. And, while the podcasts, including the imbedded, watermarked music, are...
Published 11/14/19
Nixon at the Contemporary PLAY-CAST
Dispatch from Radio Free Disneyland is a series of curated music playlists, pertaining mostly to the culture, stories, and environments presented in Disney Films and Theme Parks. It is not associated with The Walt Disney Company. And while the...
Published 09/17/19