https://youtu.be/toZq4sKfn4w Long tenure is usually better for churches and their pastors. But there are occasions when you know it's time to make a transition. For example, many pastors are ready for something new when the nest is empty. Thom and Sam discuss what you can do when you are certain about a transition. The average age of a pastor is almost 60, so more transitions are coming, not less. With the shortage of pastors, churches will need to consider internal...
Published 06/11/24
https://youtu.be/vLR4OR7wLPQ The fastest-growing churches are often located in prime areas for growth. In a recent Church Answers Research article, Ryan Burge took a deep dive into how churches located in growing communities generally find it easier to add new members. Thom and Sam discuss the implications of these findings. Here’s the formula for finding a county likely to support a fast-growing church: Population Growth: Look for a county with at least 10% population growth...
Published 06/04/24
https://youtu.be/Omm_FpZgytQ Based on a recent article Thom wrote, Sam and Thom dig deeper into the issue of church members' ages. Their thoughts might surprise you. The age of your church members is a significant first impression issue to guests. Understand the importance of the age of attendees more than the age of members. Why is the “median” a vital gauge? You must know your community's demographics (Know Your Community). Are there guidelines or metrics to follow...
Published 05/28/24
https://youtu.be/ZfLUp6mgi10 Church Answers does two major types of evaluation of music in church worship services. The first approach uses a secret guest to get their first impressions. In the second approach, Church Answers uses a trained and highly competent church musician to evaluate the music from both a philosophical and technical aspect. Sam and Thom look at five common issues in these technical evaluations. The service has no clear purpose or vision ("We need a...
Published 05/21/24
https://youtu.be/41k-7fpRFb0 There are between 350,000 and 400,000 churches in the United States. Is there really a church on every street corner? Ryan Burge joins Thom and Sam on this special episode to discuss the optimal number of churches in a community. The answer will likely surprise you. “Churches Near Me” is the new way people find you. Few people pay attention to your sign anymore. You are invisible to your community without an outward focus. ...
Published 05/17/24
https://youtu.be/2fyq2UV2WK8 Proverbs 22:1 makes clear, "Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold." (NLT) How can a church recover after a scandal? What are some ways a congregation can begin to rebuild a reputation? Thom and Sam discuss some steps forward for these churches. If the scandal is rooted in sin, the church must publicly repent as a first step. If the scandal is derived from a stance on...
Published 05/14/24
https://youtu.be/JQuoh_gle1k There are good examples of growing churches reaching young families. What are they doing differently than others? Thom and Sam answer this question. There is more to this issue than being a large church in a growing suburb. Churches reaching young families come in a variety of sizes and locations. The demographic reality of an aging population in the United States. Millennials (and soon Gen Z) are starting families at an older age...
Published 05/07/24
https://youtu.be/flFFzgwYsus One of the signs of a healthy church is people asking tough questions. These questions may be theological, or they may involve life issues. When people are comfortable asking about difficult subjects, it shows trust in leadership. Thom and Sam discuss the importance of having a church culture that encourages asking hard questions. People don't ask tough questions when they don't trust you. People don't ask tough questions when they...
Published 04/30/24
https://youtu.be/590nmINYH78 Thom and Sam are delighted to welcome Brady Shearer to the Rainer on Leadership podcast. Brady is the CEO of Pro Church Tools. His work helps churches navigate what he calls "the single biggest communication shift we've seen in the last 500 years." Here are some questions they will discuss: Why is Gen Z really different from previous generations? Can smaller churches be a positive development? What has taken place to...
Published 04/23/24
https://youtu.be/2Oi5sB3jvAo The Southern Baptist Convention is experiencing a decline in the scope and scale that is unprecedented in American church history. As the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., the declines in the SBC are noteworthy for many reasons. Ryan Burge joins Thom and Sam on this special episode to discuss what's happening and what the future may hold for the SBC. Membership peaked in 2006 at over 16 million, but today membership is around 13 million,...
Published 04/19/24
https://youtu.be/I5sqtgPQiJY It is fascinating to engage church leaders and members about their understanding of discipleship. Frankly, it means different things to different people. Sam and Thom discuss the importance of getting clarity about discipleship in a local church. Why it is important to define (or at least clarify) the term Personal discipleship and corporate discipleship Programs and discipleship Can you measure...
Published 04/16/24
https://youtu.be/Pz_ZE5cxkQc Thom welcomes Dr. Naomi Cramer Overton, "Every Woman’s Bible" General Editor and CEO of Stonecroft, and Misty Arterburn, Associate Editor for the "Every Woman’s Bible." The Every Woman’s Bible by Tyndale House Publishers is a study Bible for the heart and mind. The relevant and timely features in this Bible focus on what hundreds of women say they desire from a Bible. Over one hundred scholars, writers, and contributors—all women—from around the world invite...
Published 04/09/24
As the median size of a church gets smaller, more are in the predicament of being supported by a handful of key donors. Mike Stadelmayer of Church Growth Services joins Thom and Sam to discuss what these churches can do. Not every case is dire, but the long-term viability of a congregation is at stake when one or two key donors are responsible for most of the budget. The median church size is around 40 to 60 people, so many churches are supported by one or two key donors. ...
Published 04/05/24
Most gifts to churches are given without designating how the funds should be spent. However, there are cases when donors restrict their donations or give to a designated account. While every donation helps kingdom work, designated gifts can be tricky. Mike Stadelmayer of Church Growth Services joins Thom and Sam, and they discuss some of the nuances around restricted giving. Designated gifts are restricted to a particular project or budget line item. They are a...
Published 04/05/24
Talking to key givers in the church does not have to be awkward. Mike Stadelmayer of Church Growth Services joins Thom and Sam to discuss how pastors can make the ask without feeling icky. They discuss some best practices that any pastor can follow. Understand the history and culture of your church. Do not violate any written policies or unwritten rules. If you are comfortable in the conversation, most others will be as well. Watch...
Published 04/05/24
https://youtu.be/3NDB60O3KhM There have been steady but subtle shifts in how churches hire staff and call ministers for years. Many of those shifts have accelerated since COVID. Sam and Thom look at four of the most significant shifts. The surprising number of pastors who were formerly laypersons in their churches. The acceleration of the part-time movement. The surprising number of unpaid lead pastors. The return of the circuit...
Published 04/02/24
https://youtu.be/9j_CqTzUj2o Thom welcomes Scott Beck, co-founder and CEO of Gloo, a technology platform that releases the collective might of the faith ecosystem. After starting and scaling successful businesses including Blockbuster Video, Einstein's Bagel, Boston Market, and Angie’s List (now Angi), Scott turned his expertise to helping ministry leaders scale their impact through tech. Gloo helps 60,000 church leaders in using tech to engage their people and reach local communities. ...
Published 03/26/24
https://youtu.be/Kq4-dF98yvw Thom and Sam examine long-term trends in corporate worship services. Some of the data surprised them. You might be surprised too. The overall trend is toward expressive worship. Raising hands and speaking in tongues. The return of the bulletin? Are worship services getting longer? Resources: * California Baptist University * Upward Sports The Everything Church Resource...
Published 03/19/24
https://youtu.be/ZqS5LLm0ZtU America is not yet a godless nation, but we are becoming a less churched nation. While people say they believe in God, fewer are attending a house of worship. Ryan Burge joins the show with Thom and Sam to discuss the data driving these trends. But not all the trends are negative. In fact, one group is seeing more people attend church now than in the past: conservative evangelicals. The number of those who never attend church has doubled in the last...
Published 03/15/24
https://youtu.be/jcFlsFuFecA Does the doctrine of the church affect the potential for growth? It depends. Thom and Sam analyze historical macro trends in church growth. Growing churches tend to be more conservative, and liberal churches tend to decline. But doctrine alone is not the entire story. The co-hosts discuss recent church history, doctrine, and the growth of churches. There are always several factors at play in an individual congregation, but trends are evident across...
Published 03/12/24
https://youtu.be/AFfb0hTaeno Members will inevitably attach themselves to certain leaders in the church. In multiple-staff churches, this attachment is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, you should expect church members to get close to some of the staff, especially if they serve in their ministries. On the other hand, these constituencies can become problematic when used as leverage to influence the direction of the church. A constituency occurs when a group of people view the...
Published 03/05/24
https://youtu.be/r78W-BsD2To Pastors do not have unlimited hours and resources to write sermons. Additionally, pastors have workweeks much longer than church members realize because of the invisible nature of sermon preparation. But how long should it take to write a typical sermon? Well, it depends. Thom and Sam discuss what's normal in ministry and how you can become more efficient. Previous poll: 70% of pastors spend between 10 and 18 hours each week to prepare a sermon. The...
Published 02/27/24
https://youtu.be/879odBw9vXg Elections are contentious. They have been for most of our nation’s history. The tensions surrounding this year’s coming election season should not be a surprise. To what degree should pastors be involved in the political process? Thom and Sam discuss this hot-button issue on today's episode. Pastors have always been part of the political process as influencers in their churches. Do not let the fear of government or loss of tax status...
Published 02/20/24
https://youtu.be/3VEUSnJfKCo Sadly, Church Answers is getting an increasing number of consultation requests from churches wanting to deal with the issue of possibly closing their churches. Thom and Sam look at the five issues churches should consider before making such a dramatic move. What will be the gospel presence in your community if the church closes? Are your current members willing to make dramatic changes at the church? What is your...
Published 02/13/24
Todd Brown is the CEO of Brown Church Development Group, a national church design/build firm. In this three-part podcast series, we will look at ministry focused design. In this third part, we talk with Todd about the ways in which church design impacts the culture of a church. Institutional versus relational ministry. Care about people, but it is not reflected in design.  The most impactful attributes of relational spaces: ...
Published 02/09/24