TMiR 2023-10: React Forget, Canary Releases, Barrel Files, and new releases
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This Month in React – October 2023 Mark: React Forget and memoization: Sathya, React India: Statically analysing React components for fun and profit Joe and Mofei, React Advanced: Understanding Idiomatic React TkDodo: The Uphill Battle of Memoization Response: React memo is good actually Carl: Server Actions in canary Version policy Client Actions Mark: TanStack Query v5 RTK 2.0: we’re deferring all RTKQ changes until after 2.0! Carl: Barrel Files Vercel - How we optimized package imports in Next.js Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - The barrel file debacle Mark: React useTransition: performance game changer or...? Lightning round ⚡️ Carl: Photoshop is now on the web! Mark: Yarn 4.0 HN Carl: HTTP QUERY verb Mark: TC39-TG4 - New Task Group created to standardize Source Maps Actual working group: Example: a proposal for tracking scopes data from my Replay coworker Holger Benl: My own React Sourcemaps package: Carl: Astro 3.2 - View Transitions improvements 7x perf improvement to Parcel bundling Neat SIMD/Rust function Mark: My React Advanced talk: Building Better React DeTools with Replay Time Travel
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New releasesReact 18.3React 19 betaNode.js v22Expo SDK 51 betaReact Native 0.74.0 React DevTools 5.1Next v14.2Bun v1.1 (discussion later)Pnpm v9Biome 1.7 Supabase goes GA after 4 years in betaDocusaurus 3.2Gulp v5Pragmatic Drag and DropRedwoodJS 7.3React on Rails v14Upcoming conferencesReact Conf...
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Published 04/02/24