“I’ve been listening to this podcast forever, but I couldn’t tell you why, beyond deeply-entrenched habit (I guess). Fundamentally, the dynamic of the three guys is just so off-putting. Arthur is completely domineering of the conversation, and insanely rude to his cohosts — especially poor Matt. His know-it-all demeanor makes me curl up in anxiety anytime Matt or Anthony have anything even remotely opinionated to say, because I know he’s going to launch into a savage, biting tirade that just makes them come off as aloof, disconnected and dumb. It feels emotionally abusive. My final straw was the Half-Life 2 anniversary discussion in the latest episode, where he took this authoritative take that Alyx was some fun side-story, only to get exposed having never finished the game and didn’t understand its significance in the overall story arc. Should I just call it, and abandon this 2+ hr exercise in weekly emotional abuse, or no?”
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