Taking over our next instalment, Tokyo's sensation Elli Arakawa punches in the series with two hours of full-immersion atmospheric techno and deep, dubbed-out folds. Running the gamut elegantly from textured tapestries of sound to kaleidoscopic 4x4 wares, through acid-drenched extrapolations and further poetic drifts across spacious sonic wildlands, Arakawa's mix eases us in an ambiguous realm where sheer DJ functionality rubs shoulders with ethereal abstraction and hyperconscious escapology. One for the lovers of breath-holding dives and riveting techno panoramas.
A true legend and pioneering figure of techno, US sound architect and Geophone label owner Mike Parker breaks in on the RYC waves with a very special set full with his idiosyncratically dark, obsessive, inch-perfectly chiselled 4x4 wares. Before Boiler Room and co. were even a thing, a...
Published 11/18/24
A much talented purveyor of widescreen electronic epics and mind-expanding techno sceneries, Vera Logdanidi has been trading some of the finest dubs out there, including some outstanding pieces of work for Rhythm Büro, Semantica or On Board Music. All in spacious reverbs and atmospheric...
Published 11/11/24