The Voice
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Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe introduces a chopped up, looped up love letter to sound, singing, seduction and the power of the voice. So take a moment to consider the air in your lungs while listening to Bobby McFerrin and Beardyman make amazing musical sounds. Here you'll hear why our vocal chords work much like a duck, and why Theresa May represents a century long pattern of working women who have lowered their voice. Elsewhere Stephen Pinker mingles with Stephen Fry; Donald Trump reveals the power of saying the right thing to an audience who want to be seduced; and John Prescott tangles with Noam Chomsky over grammar and class. The producer in Bristol is Miles Warde.
More Episodes
Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe recycles and mashes the BBC's archive on Love and Marriage. Love: life's great mystery. We reveal it in all its facets by the powerful slicing of leading romantic figures. Love at first sight, patriotism, the love that dare not speak its name, true love. As discussed by...
Published 11/22/16
Published 11/22/16
A fresh take on magic in the company of cartoonists Gerald Scarfe. We have conjurors, illusionists, prestidigitators and sleight of hand artists. Mountebanks, magi and mentalists. Conmen, snake oil salesman and politicians. Quite a lot of politicians. The quickness of the hand deceives the eye...
Published 11/22/16