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"I'm sketching a map of Europe as it used to be, not just pre-referendum but a long, long time earlier than that. And let me tell you, it's a bewildering place!" Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe introduces a Recycled special on the place that has obsessed us all summer long, so buckle up as we find out what is so different about Us and Them. With journeys to the continent and back to Westminster again combined with the powerful slicing of leading voices in the European debate - Tony Benn and Margaret Thatcher from 1975; Boris, Nigel and Dave from 2016. Plus the voices of leading historians, and comedians, attempting to make sense of the great European divide. Exhilarating radio you'll not hear anywhere else. The producer is Miles Warde.
More Episodes
Cartoonist Gerald Scarfe recycles and mashes the BBC's archive on Love and Marriage. Love: life's great mystery. We reveal it in all its facets by the powerful slicing of leading romantic figures. Love at first sight, patriotism, the love that dare not speak its name, true love. As discussed by...
Published 11/22/16
Published 11/22/16
A fresh take on magic in the company of cartoonists Gerald Scarfe. We have conjurors, illusionists, prestidigitators and sleight of hand artists. Mountebanks, magi and mentalists. Conmen, snake oil salesman and politicians. Quite a lot of politicians. The quickness of the hand deceives the eye...
Published 11/22/16