“I have subscribed to Poiticology since its start, especially the weekly roundup. This past week has made me UN-SUBSCRIBE, as Mr. Seslow described VP Harris’ comments as Communism. He just unmasked himself like a stereotype white male.
He has always been more conservative than I am; as a left-leaning centrist. Since so-called conservatives have led us to oligopolies, trickle-down, and economic policies that invest in Defense and investment bankers but not in infrastructure. Where any Econ 101 student understands that dollars into OUR economy expands it, while dollars to hedge fund managers buy yachts off Cannes and property in Patagonia.
Harris is referring NOT to equal wages but advocacy for women and those without opportunity. Look at her record. She’s ambitious and succeeded. She doesn’t believe everyone could do what she did.
But more investing in schools or training or trade schools for those in poverty (yes we have that in Appalachia and our cities) is called for rather than the real economy going to Silicone Valley infrastructure and med schools for the privileged etc. etc. We have not been balanced in where our tax dollars go and how we treat women and our lower class, whatever color.”
Denver7756 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·