Havea say/voice in something在某件事上有发言权 You don’t have a say in this.这件事上,你没有发音权;这没你说话的份。 They want to have a voice in how this would be handled.在如何处理这件事上,他们想有个发言权。 ...
Published 12/12/18
Published 12/11/18
pass gas 放屁 It must be something I ate at lunch that made me pass gas all afternoon.肯定是我中午吃的什么东西,弄得我一下午都在放屁。 fart 放屁;屁 He farted in front of everyone, and he acted like nothing had happe...
Published 12/11/18
Have one’s eyes glued to something 一直盯着看;全神贯注地看 glue 胶水;沾上 I hate it when people talk to me and have their eyes glued to their phones all the time.我很讨厌有的人一边跟我说话,一边还不停地盯着手机看。 ...
Published 12/10/18
Published 12/09/18
Get/have cold feet (做某事前,因为紧张或害怕)临阵退缩 If you get cold feet or have cold feet about something you have planned to do, you become nervous about it and not sure that you want to do it. She had been lookin...
Published 12/09/18
big talk 大话,吹牛 He is always full of big talk, but he rarely follows through on it. 他总是说大话,却很少去做并坚持到底。 talk big 说大话,吹牛 The President talks big, but he doesn’t do anything.总统...
Published 12/07/18
Published 12/07/18
Have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要办 Don't waste time on this. We've got bigger fish to fry.别在这上面浪费时间了,我们还有更重要的事情要办。 Every time I ask him for help, he claims that he has bigger fish to f...
Published 12/07/18
Published 12/05/18
Burst out laughing 突然大笑起来 burst 爆发;突发 laugh 笑 1. The baby burst out laughing when he saw the cat slip. 这个婴儿看到猫滑倒了,突然大笑起来。 2. The kids burst out laughing when the clown ...
Published 12/05/18
Published 12/03/18
burst into tears 突然大哭起来,眼泪夺眶而出 burst 爆发;突发 tear 眼泪 过去式、过去分词形式不变,仍是burst 1. He burst into tears when he found out that his father had cancer. 当他发现他父...
Published 12/03/18
Published 12/03/18
Better half 夫妻中的丈夫或妻子;另一半,爱人 Have you seen my better-half? 你见我爱人了吗? I had known him for almost three years before I met his better half. 在见到他的另一半之前,我已经认识他近3年了。 ...
Published 12/03/18
Published 12/02/18
It’s a bummer. bummer令人不愉快/失望的人、事、经历 1. Getting stranded at the airport was a real bummer.被滞留在机场真的是很恶心。 2. It’s a bummer that my best friend can’t make it to my wedding.我最...
Published 12/02/18
Published 12/01/18
better off 达到/处于更好的状况 You would be better off without me.没有我你会过得更好。 I think you guys would be better off taking the train than driving.我觉得你们坐火车比开车更好 Your health will be bet...
Published 12/01/18
Published 11/30/18
Window-shop 橱窗购物,只看不买 shop 购物 window 商店的玻璃橱窗 A: Do you want to go shopping this weekend? 周末咱去逛街吧? B: I think I’ll just window-shop because I don’t have much money.我可能只看不买,因为...
Published 11/30/18
Published 11/29/18
tag along 跟着,跟随 tag 标签;紧随 along 一起;伴随着 When I was a kid, I used to tag along with my brother when he went out with his friends.小时候,我哥跟他的朋友出去玩的时候,我经常会跟着他。 If...
Published 11/29/18