370. Rafael Gúzman on Urban Planning, Public Transportation, & Studies in China
Rafael Gúzman returns to the show from Santiago, Chile and discusses facets of urban planning that can enrich one's living experience. How can we better design our cities to enhance economic activity and happy living? What public transportation experiences he's had and why suburban living is wasteful and doesn't maximize value. Rafael shares past experience living and studying in China, as well as his upcoming journey to be there again.
Rich Hebron website for daily notes & observations
Lakshman Srinivasan returns to the show, joining us from Paris. He discusses applying his knowledge of physics to start a company called Iris Labs. What's the Paris tech startup scene like? What's his routine like on his best day? We discuss the advancement of technology over the last fifty years...
Published 11/20/24
When we feel stress in the moment, try taking a step back and identify the source of what's creating the feelings.
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Published 11/18/24