M. Yusupov - Molecular mechanism of mRNA translation
Marat Yusupov, IGBMC, France, speaks on "Molecular mechanism of mRNA translation". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste and is part of "RNA structure and function" Course 2018.
Emanuele Buratti,ICGEB Trieste, Italy speaks on "RNA splicing therapy in Pompe disease". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste and is part of "RNA structure and function" Course 2018.
Published 05/16/18
Lorena Zentilin, ICGEB Trieste, Italy speaks on "High content RNAi functional screening: from large libraries to functional hits". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste and is part of "RNA structure and function" Course 2018.
Published 05/16/18