186. The 5° Principle | Take Control of Yourself | Generous Leadership Coaching Tip
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“Worthiness doesn’t have prerequisites.” - Brené Brown In this episode, Shannon Cassidy discusses the concept of taking control of oneself. She uses the analogy of concentric circles to explain the areas of control, influence, and no control in our lives. The outermost circle represents things we have no control over, such as traffic or the weather. The next circle represents our area of influence, where we have the power to impact others. The innermost circle represents our area of total control, where we have control over ourselves. Shannon emphasizes the importance of focusing on what we can control and prioritizing our time and energy accordingly. Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in generous leadership, behavioral change, executive presence, effective  communication, collaborative teamwork, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, mentoring programs, leadership retreats, executive workshops, mediation services) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events, ceremonies) all custom designed. This is her podcast, R.O.G. Return on Generosity focusing on how to be a corporate generous leader by sharing time, talent and gratitude.  Shannon combines her keen ability to get to the heart of every matter with a proven track record as a corporate leader. Before founding Bridge Between, Inc. she spent years building profitable businesses and driving innovation and leadership initiatives. This real-world experience formed the bedrock of her success. She equips her clients with the strategies, tools, and inspiration to thrive during organizational change and to lead with vision, purpose, and generosity.  Shannon has authored several articles and books including Discover Your Inner Strength (2009), The Five Degree Principle: How Small Changes Lead to Big Results (2013), V.I.B.E. A Self-Discovery Journey to Authentic Leadership (2014) and Grounded in Gratitude a one-line-a –day, five-year gratitude journal (2015-2023). Her current efforts focus on the benefits of Generosity at Work. R.O.G. Takeaway Tips: Identify the things you have no control over and accept them as they are. Recognize the people and things you have influence over and consider how your actions impact them.  Take that responsibility seriously. Focus on what you can control about yourself, such as your attitude, beliefs, choices, and habits. Prioritize your time and energy on the things within your control for the best return on investment. What’s one thing in your area of control you will prioritize this week? Resources: YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ShannonCassidybb  Bridge Between, Inc. https://bridgebetween.com The Five Degree Principle by Shannon Cassidy V.I.B.E. by Shannon Cassidy  R.O.G. on Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/r-o-g-return-on-generosity/id1508207492  R.O.G. on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/1L9UnWdoiAX8MtRKXjdPY3  Video of this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/PNfiBD-2PLI  Free N.D.I. Network Diversity Index https://bridgebetween.com/network-diversity-index/  Free Generosity Quiz https://bridgebetween.com/generosity-quiz/  Coming Next: Please join us next week, Episode 187, with special guest George Galaz. Credits: Sheep Jam Productions, Host Shannon Cassidy, Bridge Between, Inc.
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