"Action expresses priorities."  - Mahatma Gandhi Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events, ceremonies) and Mentoring Programs (associations, ERGs,...
Published 04/02/24
“That's the special thing about kindness. It is so many different things. It can be generosity. It can be forgiveness. It can be trust. Compassion. It's all these things.” Patricia Makatsaria is a Civic Volunteer and Philanthropist who has dedicated herself to her community, promoting kindness and inclusion and striving to empower young leaders. After completing her MBA and Masters degree in Healthcare Administration, Patricia and her husband, Vladimir, moved abroad, embarking on an...
Published 03/26/24
"We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are."  - Anaïs Nin Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events, ceremonies) and Mentoring Programs...
Published 03/19/24
“I call it strategic appreciation because you don't do it strategically, but you do it because you care about the person, and it ends up benefiting you as well. It's an immediate return on your generosity…I've just noticed time and time again in my career, when I give - I get.” Future World of Work Summit: March 28, 2024, San Francisco, CA - Discount code: ROG Kia Afcari is the Co-Founder & CEO of Caravann Consulting. Kia is on a mission to re-imagine the workplace and bring a lot more...
Published 03/12/24
“Each of us, every waking hour, is called upon to say no, whether to friends or family members, to our bosses, employees, or co-workers, or to ourselves. Whether and how we say no determines the very quality of our lives. It is perhaps the most important word to learn to say gracefully and effectively.” - William Ury, Mediator, Writer and Negotiation Expert Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change,...
Published 03/05/24
“The best assessment tool is to listen to your people. They talk about “we” when they're talking about the organization - you're on pretty good track to have an inclusive culture. If they talk about “they” you don't have it. Save your money. Don't do an assessment and just listen to how people talk.” Sally Helgesen, cited in Forbes as the world’s premier expert on women’s leadership, is an internationally best-selling author, speaker and leadership coach. She has been inducted into the...
Published 02/27/24
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen R. Covey Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events,...
Published 02/20/24
“If you said…What do you think is the indispensable value of leadership? I would say it is to be selfless…to sacrifice for the good of others. To be willing to give without expecting something in return. Because the beauty is in the giving.”Michael K. Powell is the former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He was appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1997 and appointed Chairman by President George W. Bush in 2001, serving until 2005. During his time as FCC chair,...
Published 02/13/24
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face…You must do the thing you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats,...
Published 02/06/24
“Think of leadership as the opportunity to have a positive influence on a person or a situation. You can say leadership is a fundamentally generous act. Leadership is about how you make people feel. It's fundamentally generous.”  Our special guest today is Chris Stanley, a leader in the executive education space. Chris has more than 20 years' experience working with diverse global teams in the development of compelling management content and executive education solutions. His work is focused...
Published 01/30/24
"If the career you have chosen has some unexpected inconvenience, console yourself by reflecting that no career is without them." - Jane Fonda Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote...
Published 01/23/24
“The greatest lessons I've ever learned are not from my successes. They are from my failures and I've had plenty of both. So don't be afraid to fail.” – Maria Brennan “If you can't get out of it, get into it.” – Michael Brennan Maria E. Brennan, CAE, is the President & CEO of The WICT Network: Empowering Women in Media, Entertainment and Technology, a 10,000 member global nonprofit celebrating 40 years of serving women in the cable industry. During her time at The WICT Network, Brennan...
Published 01/16/24
Happy 2024! This year we are going to focus the even number episodes on brief coaching tips. Starting in January, we will focus on The Five Degree Principle | How Small Changes Lead to Big Results.  Chapter One is titled Demonstrate Resilience. This short video provides an quick thought starter as you begin 2024. Please share comments and feedback about what we can do to support you on your generosity journey.   Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership...
Published 01/09/24
“We're moving at a snail's pace compared to what's available out there. These kids are going to change the world if we let them. Or, they won't because we stopped them.” “I think that the biggest issue in science it's our inability to share our stories.” Serena has dedicated her life to advancing science and science education while working with the nation’s most promising youth. Dr. Serena McCalla was raised in New York City and fell in love with science as an elementary school student. She...
Published 01/02/24
“Love the life you live; live the life you love.” - Bob Marley Host Bio:  Shannon Cassidy is Founder and CEO of Bridge Between, Inc. a boutique leadership development firm specializing in behavioral change, executive presence, effective communication, collaborative teamwork, empowering leadership, and conflict resolution. She provides Executive Coaching, Facilitation (team sessions, retreats, conferences) and Keynote Speaking (conferences, annual events, ceremonies) and Mentoring Programs...
Published 12/26/23
“I've always wanted to be in a job where I could help people…you're representing good people at their worst time.” “I have to be honest with myself because it doesn't communicate well if you're trying to be somebody else.” Daniel Renart, a former President of the Maryland Hispanic Bar Association is a Partner with Reinstein, Glackin & Herriott LLC ("RGH"). Daniel Renart focuses his practice assisting clients with their divorce, custody and personal injury matters. In divorce and family...
Published 12/19/23
“The biggest benefit of anything that you can do at work is if it actually impacts how you behave as a human being and it extends into your personal life.” “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.” “Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a...
Published 12/12/23
“A key attribute of aha moments is that they feel right, they feel correct and they feel new…Some people say it's like a religious experience, it's been handed to you.” “You can go forward. That's the key to post traumatic growth: you're moving forward.” “Should you follow your gut feeling? The short answer is yes, in most cases…Gut feeling is actually based on information…you've already experienced in your life.” Joanne Lipman is a pioneering journalist and the bestselling author of NEXT!...
Published 12/05/23
“It really is about those micro moments that we experience every day. That's culture.” “We have this collective exhaustion that we're also not talking about.” Daisy Auger-Domínguez is an accomplished executive and dynamic leader widely recognized for her ability to lead organizational transformations on the leading edge of people and culture. A natural storyteller and team-builder with a purpose-driven mindset, Daisy launched her career at Moody's Investors Service. She subsequently held...
Published 11/28/23
“This is very much an origin story for an entire specialty in medicine, critical care. …and to see how far we've come really does make one stop and appreciate what we take for granted a lot of the time, which is modern medical care.” Hannah Wunsch is a critical care doctor and Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine Born in Boston and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Hannah attended Harvard College, graduating with a BA in...
Published 11/21/23
“All young people have potential. That they're not problems to be fixed. They all have potential, which is a different starting point.” “4-H is the largest youth development organization in this country...I get a front row seat to seeing generosity every single day…our donors are investing millions into young people for their future…the half a million volunteers we have across this country that are giving their time to young people…4-H educators that are in every county that give tirelessly...
Published 11/14/23
“You need to put boundaries in place. You need to live your life...If you don't ever see anything but the work that's in front of you, you lack the perspective to think bigger.” As head of the business operations team for The Walt Disney Company’s Platform Distribution segment, Lori LeBas supports the development and distribution of products and services that create meaningful value for the company, its partners, and consumers. She is focused on the design and implementation of business...
Published 11/07/23
“Law number five is the law of receptivity. This says the key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. And this means nothing more than understanding that, yeah, you breathe out. Okay, you also have to breathe in. It's not one or the other. It's both. Breathe out carbon dioxide, breathe in oxygen, breathe out, which is giving, breathe in, which is receiving.” For over 30 years Bob Burg has been successfully showing entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales professionals how to communicate...
Published 10/31/23
“They want boundaries. They feel safe with boundaries. They understand where they end and you begin because of boundaries. People love to understand what is expected. Those are big-hearted boundaries.” “The way you get to be grateful in the future is to say, ‘How can I help you?’ in the present.” Stephanie Mitchko-Beale an Emmy Award winning C-Suite executive who thrives in the space between technology and business results. She is the recent EVP & CTO at Charter Communications. As a key...
Published 10/24/23
“You got to work the room, know who you're talking to, know what you're working with.” “Let people know you did that work, but also take the temperature in the room..let your boss be proud of you, not scared of you.” Zenita has a deep passion for technology and has over three decades in the cable industry with Jerrold/General Instrument, Motorola, ARRIS (now Commscope) and most recently as Vice President of marketing and business development at the Society of Cable Telecommunications...
Published 10/17/23