Ježiš rozpráva podobenstvo o rozsudku - Jesus tells parables about the judgment.
Published 12/31/09
Ježiš je zatknutý a súdený - Jesus is arrested and tried.
Published 12/31/09
Ježiš odsúdený a ukrižovaný - Jesus is convicted and crucified.
Published 12/31/09
Ježiš vstal z mŕtvych - Jesus is raised from the dead.
Published 12/31/09
Ježiš ministerstvo začína - The ministry of Jesus begins.
Published 12/31/09
Matthew takto Ježiš - Matthew follows Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
Apoštoli sú menovaní - The apostles are appointed.
Published 12/31/09
Poľnohospodár prasnice slovo - The farmer sows the word.
Published 12/31/09
Rôzni ľudia sú uzdravení - Various people are healed.
Published 12/31/09
Apoštolov poslal a zázraky vykonané - The apostles are sent and miracles are performed.
Published 12/31/09
Čistota je povedal, aby bol interný - Cleanliness is said to be internal.
Published 12/31/09
Štyri tisícky kŕmenie rodiny - Four thousand families are fed by one small lunch.
Published 12/31/09
Služobník je najväčší - The servant is the greatest.
Published 12/31/09
Je ťažké pre bohatých, aby sme boli spasení - It is hard for the rich to be saved.
Published 12/31/09
Davy Vitajte Ježiša do Jeruzalema - Crowds welcome Jesus to Jerusalem.
Published 12/31/09
Učitelia otázky právnych otázok - Teachers of the Law question questions.
Published 12/31/09
Jeruzalem a krajina neskôr zničená - Jerusalem and later the earth will be destroyed.
Published 12/31/09
Židia zatknutie a skúste to Ježiš - The Jews arrest and try Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
Zatknutie Rimania a skúste to Ježiš - The Romans arrest and try Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
Ženy Objavte prázdneho hrobu - The women discover an empty tomb.
Published 12/31/09
Narodenie Ježiša je predpovedal - The birth of Jesus is foretold.
Published 12/31/09
Narodenia Ježiša, je splnená - The birth of Jesus is fulfilled.
Published 12/31/09
John pripravuje ľudí o kráľovstve - John prepares people for the kingdom.
Published 12/31/09
Satan má svoje zúčtovania s Ježišom - Satan has his showdown with Jesus.
Published 12/31/09
Disciples sú nazývané - The first disciples are called.
Published 12/31/09