On this epsiode Ambassador Clint Williamson who was directly involved with the investigations of war crimes during the war in Kosovo, reemphasized that the indictment of Thaçi and others are not against the KLA as a whole. He also ackonwledged that more needs to be done on the Serbian side, to deal with the crimes commited against Albanians in Kosovo. Finally, he emphasized once more that opposition leader Lulzim Basha was in no way involved in investigations against Albanians, that he did not hide the Krusha Masacre tape, and that he and Basha had no authority to arrest anyone.
I ftuar në Rule of Law Albania, juristi dhe aktivisti Redon Meksi.
Published 11/23/21
Sot në Rule of Law Albania diskutuam me Kryetarin e Forumit Rinor të Partisë Demokratike, Belind Këlliçi. Disa nga pikat që u diskutuan ishin; rezultati i zgjedhjeve, hapat që po ndjek Partia Demokratike dhe kërkesa për dorëheqje drejtuar kryetarit të saj, Lulzim Basha, nga një grupim brenda...
Published 05/07/21