Are We Just Our Brains?
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What exactly is a human being? Are we primates, machines, souls confined in a body, or something more? In this episode of Ask Away that originally aired last fall, RZIM Itinerant Speaker Sharon Dirckx joins Vince and Jo to talk about her faith journey and how God and science work together to give us a complete picture of our identity. Question Asked in This Episode: "If we are just our brains and nothing more, what are the implications?" Have a question you want Ask Away to cover? Email us at [email protected] or use the hashtag #askrzim on Twitter. You can also talk about this episode with fellow podcast listeners and the RZIM team on our online community. Follow Ask Away on Twitter: Vince Vitale - @VinceRVitale Jo Vitale - @Joanna_Vitale Sharon Dirckx- @SharonDirckx Michael Davis - @mdav1979