Know the Vedas - Interesting introduction
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Yogacharya briefly explains the Vedas, the meaning of the Vedas, different types, why the classification and all other details you should know.  For more details about Samyak Yoga, visit:
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This is the Surya Mantra from Krishna Yajurveda. This is a very short section that focuses on the sun god and is seen in Krishna Yajurveda. We are offering this to you on this special occasion of Makara Sankranti.  
Published 01/14/22
Published 01/03/22
The Narayana Sukta or Narayana Suktam is a hymn in Yajurveda. Some commentators see it as a mystical appendix to the Purusha Suktam. Listen to Narayana Suktam recited by Yogacharya Rakesh 
Published 01/03/22