In 1974, understanding early human evolution was limited. Lucy's discovery provided insights into one early hominin, while her species, Australopithecus afarensis, revealed broader patterns. The abundance and quality of A. afarensis fossils help understand diversity, relationships, and the pace of evolution among hominins. Lucy's ilk sheds light on crucial topics such as taxic diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and the tempo of evolution within the hominin clade. They are key to unlocking...
Published 07/22/24
Owing to its morphological and temporal placement, the Lucy species, Australopithecus afarensis, plays a pivotal role in our understanding of the human evolutionary career. Though many more fossil remains were recovered subsequent to Lucy’s discovery, the impact of the latter cannot be overstated not least its role as a trove of scientific data as well as its iconic nature. Research on Lucy and its species and continued fieldwork have inspired many research projects across Africa especially...
Published 07/18/24
The discovery of Lucy, a fossil from the 1970s, changed paleoanthropology. Before Lucy, scientists saw human ancestors as rough guides, not distinct species. This mindset dominated the interpretation of fossils. Lucy's discovery, representing a new species called Australopithecus afarensis, showed the need to define species clearly. The clash of old and new views was seen in a 1981 debate between Richard Leakey and Donald Johanson. Leakey's refusal to offer an alternative emphasized flaws in...
Published 07/13/24
Can we not only live longer but better, healthier lives? Robert A.J. Signer and Shiri Gur-Cohen describe how stem cell research may hold the key to longevity. Series: "Stem Cell Channel" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 39869]
Published 07/11/24
Andrew Yoo, Ph.D., provides insight into the ongoing research on neurodegeneration and neuronal reprogramming, highlighting the complexities and challenges in modeling and understanding these processes. Series: "Stem Cell Channel" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 39454]
Published 07/09/24
Yian Ma, an assistant professor in the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute at UC San Diego talks about his research using scalable inference methods for credible machine learning. This involves designing Bayesian inference methods to quantify uncertainty in the predictions of complex models; understanding computational and statistical guarantees of inference algorithms; and leveraging these scalable algorithms to learn from time series data and perform sequential decision making tasks. Series:...
Published 07/03/24
Since entering into the field of paleoanthropology in 1970, Donald Johanson has found a more focused and rigorous implementation of an expanded collaborative, multinational, transdisciplinary strategy of inquiry with the application of new theoretical and technical innovations that has resulted in a richer picture of our origins and a deeper understanding of how we became human—not only in Africa, but Eurasia as well. The discovery of Lucy 50 years ago provides an appropriate benchmark by...
Published 07/02/24
Over the last two winter seasons atmospheric rivers have impacted California and the west with extreme precipitation and the cascading consequences of these events. The meteorology that causes atmospheric rivers is complex, but scientists at the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) are working to help better predict them and understand what they mean for rainfall and snowfall across the state. Join CW3E Deputy Director Julie Kalansky to learn how scientists are researching the...
Published 06/24/24
Almost every child born in the United States undergoes state-mandated newborn screening within the first 48 hours of life. The blood collected from a "heel stick" helps test for 80 different serious but treatable genetic disorders. These disorders can be either genetic (passed down in families) or congenital (present at birth). But... what if we could go further? What if we could test a newborn's entire genetic sequence? Pediatric geneticist Ingrid Holm discusses the risks, benefits, costs...
Published 06/10/24
Why explore stem cells in space when we have the comfort of Earth's laboratories? Join Robert A.J. Signer, Ph.D., alongside Catriona Jamieson, M.D., Ph.D., and Alysson Muotri, Ph.D., as they delve into the untapped potential of space experiments for expediting medical breakthroughs. Patient advocate Alexandria Allen offers a poignant narrative, revealing the profound impact such research has had on her personal health journey. Series: "Stem Cell Channel" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show...
Published 06/03/24
As the influence of artificial intelligence expands through our daily lives, questions have emerged about how AI is being integrated in health and medicine. AI is now being implemented inside operating rooms, critical care units for patient evaluation and even within our homes to support those with disabilities. Along with the promise of AI comes ethical and social implications — which are crucial when applied in health care — including the representativeness of datasets used in algorithm...
Published 05/17/24
Medical advances have significantly improved the survival of preterm babies and term neonates with brain injuries due to environmental hypoxia or genetic causes. Anca Pasca, M.D., shares her work to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders associated with fetal and neonatal brain injury. Series: "Stem Cell Channel" [Health and Medicine] [Science] [Show ID: 39453]
Published 05/15/24
The 2023 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Basic Sciences, Professor Elliott Lieb presents snapshots of his seventy-year journey through the world of science, first as a would-be engineer, then as a physicist and later as a mathematician and a mathematical physicist. In many encounters with colleagues in different areas of research he learned that mathematics and a mathematical perspective can be pivotal in developing our thinking about physics. This fundamental connection between mathematics and...
Published 05/13/24
Join Los Angeles Times environment reporter and author of the new book California Against the Sea Rosanna Xia and Scripps Institution of Oceanography coastal resilience specialist Laura Engeman for a discussion on communicating the science and impacts of sea-level rise and California’s changing relationship with the ocean. Engeman will also discuss how Scripps Oceanography is advancing science and technology to understand sea-level rise across California and beyond. Xia will also do a reading...
Published 05/12/24
Born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan, Professor Ryuzo Yanagimachi, the 2023 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Basic Sciences, developed a love for nature. He became fascinated with the fertilization process of sea urchins. After studying the fertilization of fish and the life cycle of parasitic barnacles, he realized little was known about mammalian fertilization. He went on to train with Professor M.C. Chang at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, the father of mammalian in vitro...
Published 05/06/24
Explore cutting-edge research at the intersection of neuroscience, space exploration, and medical innovation. Researchers discuss revolutionary experiments with brain organoids cultivated from stem cells, conducted both in terrestrial labs and aboard the International Space Station. They investigate accelerated aging, neuroprotective agents, and potential treatments for conditions like Alzheimer's and ALS. The dialogue also delves into the transformative impact of space environments on...
Published 05/04/24
Marking the one-year anniversary of the Global Astrobiotechnology Hub, an esteemed panel convenes to envision the future of space exploration and stem cell research. Central to their discussion is the imperative to enhance accessibility and expedite scientific inquiry in space. They advocate for a shift towards establishing regular access to space, enabling frequent dispatches of payloads and experiments. They highlight the pressing need to advance technology to democratize space research,...
Published 04/26/24
As AI becomes more prevalent, many people are asking how it will impact health care. In this program, Dr. Ida Sim, Professor of Medicine and Computational Precision Health at UCSF and Cora Han, attorney and Chief Health Data Officer for University of California Health, discuss the issues surround health care and AI. Sim outlines the current thinking around the role of transparency and explainability in AI governance and oversight, and in earning and maintaining trust of various stakeholder...
Published 04/19/24
Despite effective computer tutoring software, no adaptive tutoring system has been developed and open-sourced to the field. In this program, Zachary Pardos, Associate Professor of Education at UC Berkeley, talks about efforts to create more equitable access to adaptive learning technology with the introduction of the first open-source adaptive tutoring system based on Intelligent Tutoring System principles. This system, called Open Adaptive Tutor, and its adaptive textbook library, have been...
Published 04/09/24
Permanent body modification is a unique and variable practice among humans, not observed in other mammals. Despite being costly and risky, it is regularly performed. Scientific understanding of this phenomenon is nascent, prompting a symposium aiming to assess current research status and prioritize questions for the next decade. The event brings together academics and industry practitioners, exploring historical and contemporary practices like tattooing, piercing, finger amputation, and...
Published 04/01/24
Claudia H. Kawas, M.D., addresses Alzheimer's disease and related conditions in older adults, noting the challenge of accurate diagnosis and the resemblance of other brain conditions to Alzheimer's. She introduces "resistance" and "resilience," explaining how some individuals remain cognitively intact despite brain changes. Kawas suggests declining dementia risk due to improved vascular health management, emphasizing the complexity of cognitive decline and the need for further research....
Published 03/29/24
Southern California’s giant kelp forests are ecosystems that are potentially vulnerable to the region’s warming waters, but unlike terrestrial forests, changes in these underwater ecosystems are largely invisible to most of us. Join biologist Mohammad Sedarat and artist Oriana Poindexter in an exploration of their collaboration on the aquarium’s new art exhibition, Hold Fast, an immersive journey through our local giant kelp forests. Learn how their unique perspectives are combined to provide...
Published 03/25/24
In the literature on lip plates in Southern Ethiopia there has been a strong emphasis on their socio-cultural importance and little information about their biocultural significance. Shauna LaTosky proposes that cultural keystone species theory and cultural keystone place theory could provide a useful frameworks for understanding relationships between the agro-pastoralist Mursi of Southern Ethiopia and the plant species and places that are integral to maintaining their cultural bodily...
Published 03/22/24
How is AI reshaping industries and everyday life? And what are the ethical and societal implications of these changes? Brandie Nonnecke, Ph.D., Founding Director of the CITRIS Policy Lab at UC Berkeley, is navigating the intricate landscape of artificial intelligence, from its basic forms — such as narrow AI focused on specific tasks — to the aspirational concepts of generative AI that can be applied across various domains. In this program, Nonnecke gives a comprehensive understanding of...
Published 03/18/24