In this episode, Scott explores the connection between buried emotions and the premature quest for forgiveness. He discusses how we often seek forgiveness as a way to avoid facing our internal suffering. Authentic forgiveness comes from confronting and integrating these hidden emotions. As long as we neglect our true feelings about the past, our suffering persists, leading us to rely on external forgiveness and spiritual practices. Scott emphasizes that true emotional liberation can only occur when we acknowledge and forgive the parts of ourselves we’ve hidden away. To work directly with Scott, visit
Scott gives the KI explanation of the mind-body connections that are vital to the process of making the unconscious drivers of suffering conscious. To work directly with Scott, visit
Published 11/28/24
In this podcast, Scott discusses how shame and guilt serve as protective layers shielding us from deeper, buried emotions. He explains that we often compartmentalize our reality, identifying with parts of ourselves that bring love and approval, while hiding the parts that evoke fear and shame....
Published 11/25/24