This week I am going to be in Las Vegas for the amazing event so please enjoy this encore addition of Selling on Azon radio. This episode is keywords, keywords, keywords so why are keywords so important? Well they are important because Amazon tells us they are important. This is what Amazon has to say about maximizing your exposer in the search engine. Customer search by entering keywords which are matched against the search terms you enter for a product. Well- chosen search terms increase the product’s visibility and sales. The number of views for a product detail page can increase significantly by adding just one additional search term. Now again that's not me telling you this that's actually an Amazon's seller central help system. So they are telling you that you should use as many keywords as possible. Now I talked before about how Amazon search works and how it's relevance that matter's you can listen to that episode no. 3 because it relates to what we are talking about here.