“Hi girls
I want to start off by saying that this podcast -although not intended to be for self development- has immensely helped me accept myself & truly live a better life through just embracing the ride & having fun 💗
I’ve put two of my friends onto listening to the pod religiously until they mentioned MY ONE ICK about it.. you guys’ chewing sounds or mouth sounds are just killing me 😭 they’re on high volume too & idk if it is just how you talk or if other podcasts take the time to edit it out
I know I’m in no place to ask you to change the way you talk but if it is because you guys are snacking or drinking maybe that can be avoided? just during recording? I feel selfish for asking but I only felt validated when both my friends brought it up ..
Hope that wasn’t offensive sorry if it is
I love you both have a great day/ night 💗”
feesl11 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·