Helpful for Grandmother
This was excellent information about so many things. Very helpful on the approaches/routes to go for getting help. We think my 3yo gs has the opposite of your daughter. If it’s too quiet in his quiet playtime activities at school, he will create a disturbance for sound and movement to go on. He’s having a hard time because he seems to need more stimulation. TY for your podcast. Looking forward to the next episode.
Bruz03 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/05/21
More reviews of Sensory W.I.S.E. Solutions Podcast for Parents
Holy moly! I am so grateful for your content and for your kindness Laura!! I’ve just found your podcast this past week and have been binging ever since!! Your deeply helpful content comes at a time where our family has faced several unexpected financial challenges while coming to realize our...Read full review »
Choco-carbaholic via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 08/03/22
She is so to the point! She loves to talk professionally and with the warmth of a mum!
Spanag8305 via Apple Podcasts · Greece · 12/27/21
This podcast is so good to understand what a SPD is and how to support your neurodivergent kid. Laura is really incredible explaining everything and gives lots of tips for everyday issues we face raising our kids
Chile2011 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 10/19/22
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